№ 2024-018/П. Stamp booklet “Sports”

Artist-designer (№2851) – Pinchuk I.
Artist-designer (№№3095, 3137) – Beltyukov V.
Artist-designer (№2851) – Moscovets A.
Artist-designer (№№2992, 3114) – Kapranov S.
Artist-designer (№№2999, 3018) – Uliyanovskiy S.
Artist-designer (№3029, booklet) – Uliyanovskiy I.
Artist-designer (№3131) – Betredinova K.
Artist-designer (№3180) – Savina O.


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Sport is an integral part of physical culture that places emphasis on the all-round promotion of human health and well-being. Professional sport is mainly based on competitions to achieve high results and determine the winner. There are about 200 athletic disciplines in the world, where anyone can realize their most outstanding abilities. They differ in rules, actions, the subject of competition, and ways of sport contention.

The stamp booklet contains 10 postage stamps from the Sports series that were put into postal circulation in 2021, 2022, and 2023:
  • stamp №2851 “75th Anniversary of Russian ice hockey”;
  • stamp №2992 Sports. Swimming”;
  • stamp №2999 Sports series. Chess”;
  • stamp №3018 Sports series. Figure skating”;
  • stamp №3019 Sports series. Football”;
  • stamp №3095 Sports series. Gorodki sports”;
  • stamp №3114 Sports series. Springboard Diving”;
  • stamp №3131 Sports series. Gliding”;
  • stamp №3137 Sports series. Sambo”;
  • stamp №3180 Sports series. Volleyball.


Paper Printing method Format of the booklet Format of the stamps in the booklet Perforation of the stamps in the booklet Edition
Chalk surfaced Offset + silver paste (№3018) + partial varnishing (№2999) + security system 125 × 85 mm 65 × 32,5 mm (№№2851, 2992, 2999);

37 × 37 mm (№№3018, 3019, 3137, 3180);

32,5 × 65 mm (№№3095, 3114);

50 × 50 × 70 mm (№3131)
Frame 11¾ (№№2851, 2992);

Frame 11½ (№№2999, 3095, 3114);

Frame 11¼ (№№3018, 3019, 3131, 3137, 3180)
2,3 thousand booklets

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