Joint-Stock Company “Marka” issues and distributes signs of postal payment - stamps, illustrated stamped envelopes, postcards, telegraph forms. Our production also includes greeting cards, philatelic sets and booklets.
The history of Joint-Stock Company “Marka” dates back to 1857, when The Main Post Office (Glavpochtamt) founded Stamp Expedition and the Circular of the Postal Department “On the introduction of postage stamps for common use” was published. At that time the first stamps came in retail in some governments and since January 1, 1858 their official usage was begun for the payment of ordinary letter correspondence in the territory of Russia. The Expedition of Preparing of State Documents (now – JSC “Goznak”) was responsible for issuing signs of postal payment and at present time JSC “Goznak” is a partner of JSC “Marka” in printing stamped production.
Nowadays Joint-Stock Company “Marka” provides the Departments of Federal Postal Services – branches of the FSUE “Russian Post” – with governmental signs of postal payment as well as with different kinds of philatelic production – sets of stamps in illustrated covers, booklets and stock books.
The production of JSC “Marka” reflects the multinational state structure of the Russian Federation, cultural and historical heritage of peoples, living in its territory, main events of internal and international life, achievements of the humanity in all fields of knowledge, rich animal and vegetative world of our country. We pay much attention to both – to the design of our production from artistic point of view and to adoption of new technologies in the polygraphic field.
JSC “Marka” is entrusted to produce special postage marks having original external design: an image and additional commemorative text.
Among the most important trends in our activity is implementation of joint postal issues with different countries. Such projects encourage the interest of philatelists abroad to Russian postage stamps. To the present moment we have conducted joint issues with Australia, USA, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, China, Cyprus, Belgium, North Korea, Romania, Republic of Cuba, Republic of Bulgaria and other countries.
Postal miniatures created by the designers of JSC “Marka” win medal places at universal and international competitions as well as at the biggest philatelic exhibitions and forums.
JSC “Marka” takes an active part in international, all-Russian and regional philatelic exhibitions. Specifically in 1997 JSC “Marka” organized and held the first World Philatelic Exhibition “Moscow-97” in our country. In 2007 the World Stamps Exhibition “Saint-Petersburg-2007” was organized and took place.
Over a number of years “Marka” issues a popular monthly magazine “Philately” with the Enclosure which presents to the reader all philatelic news in the world. The “Philately” magazine has been awarded high prizes in literary class at many World philatelic exhibitions.
Annually JSC “Marka” prepares to the issue an official publication of the Federal Agency of Communications – catalogues of the state signs of postal payment which presents a voluminous description of the issued postage stamps, souvenir sheets, stamped envelopes, cards and other postal production made in chronological order. This publication may be interesting both for collectors and specialists and for amateurs of history and art. Great demand, actuality and high quality of catalogues have been marked not only by our compatriots but by the representatives of the international community of philatelists. The catalogues were honored with the highest awards at the World philatelic exhibitions.
In the course of its activities “Marka” maintains close contacts with its foreign partners that are engaged in the issuance of postage stamps, effects export and import of the philatelic production.
The active position of the enterprise and its participation in the international forums and exhibitions, dedicated to the issue questions of postage stamps and philately in a whole, have become the basis for its participation in the work of the international organizations. JSC “Marka” takes part in the Council of Administration of the International catalogue publisher association as well as in the World Association of Philately Development acted within the frameworks of the Universal Postal Union.
Philately development is a significant direction of activity of PTC “Marka”. In this connection the work with the Philatelic Union of Russia and its regional departments is coordinated.
Besides in 2012 the Russian Federation was elected co-chairman of the commission on postal and financial services (together with India) of the Universal Postal Union and Chairman of the World Association for Development of Philately (WADP). This event attests to the fact that the whole world community has recognized Russia to be a leader in this field. During four years Russia will be engaged in the organization of the whole WADP activity – carrying out the conferences, round tables, sessions of work groups, exhibitions of the postal administrations.
Since October 2010 on the initiative of JSC “Marka” the branches of the FSUE “Russian Post” – the Departments of the Federal Postal Services of the Republic of Bashkortostan, of Primorsky and Krasnodarsky Krai, Nizhniy Novgorod, Samara and Chelyabinsk regions took part in the project on the organization of work of the special points of philatelic production sale on the basis of the central postal offices of the Departments of the Federal Postal Services.
At present time the philatelic production is being distributed through the post offices and specialized philatelic shops across the country. It means that all kinds of production are available in the most remote corners of our immense Motherland. Each person can see the true value the quality of the postal miniatures as well as join a large layer of national culture with their help.
The production of Joint-Stock Company “Marka” could also be bought in the Postal shop with an address: 1 bld B, Pobedy Square, Moscow, tel.: (495) 687-43-48 where all persons are proposed a wide choice of postage stamps and souvenir sheets, stamped envelopes, postal cards, greeting cards, reference philatelic literature and philatelic accessories:
1 bld B, Pobedy Square, Moscow, Russia, telephone: +7(495)687-43-48;
15 Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue, letter A, St. Petersburg, Russia, telephone: +7(812)320-73-07;
16 Troitsky Avenue, Arkhangelsk, Russia, telephone: +7(985)302-91-30;
7/14 Akhmatovskaya St, letter B, room 18, Astrakhan, Russia, telephone: +7(985)040-14-96;
42 Lenin Avenue, Barnaul, Russia, telephone: +7(985)202-55-83;
3 Sobornaya Sq, Belgorod, Russia, telephone: +7(985)840-32-80;
41 Fokin St, Moll "TSUM", Bryansk, Russia, telephone: +7(985)221-94-88;
1 Nizhneportovaya St, Vladivostok, Russia, telephone: +7(423)230-27-50;
24 Kommunisticheskaya St, Volgograd, Russia, telephone: +7(985)302-88-78;
3 Mira St, Voronezh, Russia, telephone: +7(473)255-00-21;
89 Bazhova St, Ekaterinburg, Russia, telephone: +7(343)350-96-55;
42 Gorkogo St, Irkutsk, Russia, telephone: +7(985)202-56-13;
29/11 Baumana St, Kazan, Russia, telephone: +7(843)292-21-01;
2-4 General Galitsky St, Kaliningrad, Russia, telephone: +7(4012)53-14-95;
29 Dzerzhinsky St, Kaluga, Russia, telephone: +7(916)203-52-35;
129 Karl Marx St, Kirov, Russia, telephone: +7(915)194-62-74;
143/1 Krasnaya St, Krasnodar, Russia, telephone: +7(985)840-30-55;
29/30 Lenina St, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, telephone: +7(391)200-22-13;
24 Leningradskaya St, Murmansk, Russia, telephone: +7(985)302-89-08;
10/52 Zvezdnika St, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, telephone: +7(985)221-95-01;
69 Krasnyy Avenue, Novosibirsk, Russia, telephone: +7(383)221-02-22;
29 Pushkina St, Perm, Russia, telephone: +7(342)206-23-39;
41 Anokhin St, office 13, Moll "Aura", Petrozavodsk, Russia, telephone: +7(985)221-95-66;
16 Rizhskiy Avenue, 3 floor, Pskov, Russia, telephone: +7(985)221-95-19;
13 Pervomaisky Avenue, Ryazan, Russiaa, telephone: +7(985)212-99-45;
63 Leningradskaya St, Samara, Russia, telephone: +7(846)201-29-93;
11/13 Chapayeva St, Saratov, Russia, telephone: +7(985)202-54-51;
72 Lenina St, Sevastopol, Russia, telephone: +7(8692)55-55-88;
20 Nikolayeva St, office 19, Smolensk, Russia, telephone: +7(985)040-15-02;
74 Karl Marx Avenue, Stavropol, Russia, telephone: +7(8652)26-21-02;
11 Oktyabrskaya St, Tambov, Russia, telephone: +7(985)221-95-26;
22 Novotorzhskaya St, h.1, Tver, Russia, telephone: +7(985)221-95-45;
97A Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, Russia, telephone: +7(985)221-94-96;
30 Lenina St, Tula, Russia, telephone: +7(916)203-76-22;
86a Herzen str. (ground floor), Tyumen, Russia, telephone: +7(985)824-21-01;
30 Goncharova St, Ulyanovsk, Russia, telephone: +7(985)202-54-35;
60 Lenina St, Khabarovsk, Russia, telephone: +7(4212)42-18-56;
104 Kirova St, Pav. 28, Chelyabinsk, Russia, telephone: +7(915)200-31-00;
29 Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya St, Pav. 39, Yaroslavl, Russia, telephone: +7(910)462-71-64.