The House of Scientists named after Academician A. Alexandrov is hosting exhibition Science and Art

The joint exposition of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center and JSC Marka presents postage stamps and exhibits of the Institute dedicated to the nuclear icebreaker fleet, space investigations, outstanding scientific figures and researchers.

The exhibition is supplemented by paintings by members of art associations whose artworks were featured on postal miniatures. Among them are paintings by People's Artists of the Russian Federation N. Borovskoi and E. Romashko, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation N. Plastov, A. Fedulov, and N. Zheltushko, as well as leading artists of JSC Marka, members of the Moscow branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts A. Adibekov, S. Ulyanovsky, and O. Savina

The Science and Art exhibition is underway at the following address: 1 Rogov St., Moscow, A. Alexandrov House of Scientists, NRC Kurchatov Institute.
Visit by prior registration. Tel: +7 (499) 196-72-76.



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