Artem Adibekov, the Director General of JSC Marka, the President of the World Association for the Development of Philately (WADP), took part in the opening of the Asian International Stamp Exhibition CHINA 2024, and also held a meeting and philatelic conference of the WADP. The events were held on November 29-30, 2024, in Shanghai (People's Republic of China).
At the CHINA 2024 Exhibition, JSC Marka presented an exhibit of Russian postage stamps with augmented reality. This is the final judging stage of the exhibition project of the Universal Postal Union, which was presented at philatelic exhibitions in Romania, the USA, France and China during 2024.
Russia and China are leaders in the realm of issuing postage stamps, as well as their availability for all citizens of the country, and providing support and promotion for the philatelic movement.
The Philately Development Conference focuses on innovations in printing and philately, as well as methods of reaching a wider audience. Russia and China are leaders in the realm of issuing postage stamps, as well as their availability for all citizens of the country, and providing support and promotion for the philatelic movement in particular, among young people.
The subject matter of the Forum and the Open Seminar reflects current issues under discussion aimed at increasing the general public's actual knowledge of philately. To achieve the set goals, WADP arranges constant sharing of information on all aspects of philately, technological innovations, new postage stamp sales engineering and formulates a joint plan of activities aimed at popularizing philately.
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