The event was attended by Eugeny Gerasimov, the Artistic Director of the Moscow Satire Theater, a People's Artist of the Russian Federation; Yuri Vasiliev, an actor of the Theater, a People's Artist of the Russian Federation; Andrey Ankudinov, an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation; actress Lyubov Kozii, and Veronika Maksimenkova, the First Deputy Director General of JSC Marka.
The Moscow Academic Satire Theater is a dramatic theater in Moscow. It opened on October 1, 1924. The first performance of the theater was Moscow from the Viewpoint by V. Tipot and N. Erdman. In 1953, it staged performances after stage plays The Bathhouse, The Bedbug and Mystery Buff by V. Mayakovsky. The main productions in the 1960s were Don Juan, or The Love of Geometry by M. Frisch, The Mad Day, or The Marriage of Figaro by P. Beaumarchais, The Inspector General by N. Gogol, Woe from Wit by A. Griboyedov and others. In 1984, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR awarded the theater the title of Academic Theater. In 2015, the Satire Theater was recognized as one of the most visited Moscow theaters.
The envelope with a commemorative stamp provides an image of the building of the Moscow Academic Satire Theater; the commemorative stamp features four actor's emotion masks symbolizing theatrical genres and the emblem of the theater. The Print Run is 500 thousand envelopes.
The envelopes with a commemorative stamp were put into postal circulation and went on sale in post offices and the Collectioner show room chain.

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