Events for the issuance of unstamped postcards following the results of a drawing contest of the same name were held on November 16 in Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Tomsk. Participants of the meetings were the first to purchase new postcards and decorate them with souvenir cancels. JSC Marka issued cancels with individual designs for each city specifically for the event.
Barnaul hosted an award ceremony for the winner of the contest Zinaida Farmanova and an autograph session with the artist. The participants of the meeting created a thematic mini-exhibition of stamps and postcards, as well as a jam exhibition, where it was possible to exchange recipes. The meeting ended with a master class on creating gift-wrapping for tea.
Krasnoyarsk presented the award to the winner of the contest Anna Savina. The guests of the meeting were offered to attend an exhibition of clay toys of Russia and clay toys Yenisei Snowy. Igor Mikhailishin, the artistic director of the Afontovskaya art studio, told about the history of the Yenisei Province and the images embodied in the toy, about the traditions of Siberians and harvesting. Traditional theater Petrushki showed one of their performances. The meeting ended with jam tasting, sharing of recipes and a tea party.
In Novosibirsk, a concert of artists from the Talents of Siberia creative association under the Museum of Birch Bark directed by Maria Bershadskaya was organized for the participants of the meeting. The guests took part in a competition for the most original jam, finishing the event with its tasting and a tea party.
Tomsk held the meeting in the First Museum of Slavic Mythology, which familiarized the participants with its exhibits during the event. The meeting included an exhibition of collections of the Tomsk Postcrossers Club members and tasting of the jam they made.
The meeting in Irkutsk will be held on November 23, 2024, at 14:00 in the Irkutsk Regional Youth Library named after I.P. Utkin at the address: 10 Chekhov Street.
The event program includes:
- thematic performance of young postcrossers;
- tasting of pine cone jam;
- tea party with homemade sweet titbits.
To register for the meeting, please, send your contact details to the following e-mail address:
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