The event was attended by Gennady Onishchenko, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Education, a Doctor of Medical Sciences, a Professor; and Artem Adibekov, the Director General of Joint Stock Company Marka.
Nikolai Semashko (1874-1949) was a physician and a state leader, one of the initiators of the health care system in the USSR. He was an Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1944) and of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR (1945). Under his leadership, work was under way to combat epidemics and the foundations of Soviet health care system were laid down; he established systems of maternal and infant welfare, child and adolescent health care, and a network of medical research institutes. In 1930, on N. Semashko's initiative, the State Central Institute of Public Dining of the People's Commissariat of Healthcare of the RSFSR was established. It was meant to provide methodological guidance for nutrition research throughout the country. N. Semashko was the pioneer of the establishment of the Central Medical Library and the House of Scientists in Moscow.
The postage stamp provides a portrait of Nikolai Semashko against the background of a rack of books, as well as the emblem of medicine - the Hygeia vessel.
Design Artists of the postage stamp are Daria Musikhina-Belova and Aleksandr Povarikhin. The face value of the postage stamp is 72 rubles; the Print Run is 72 thousand stamps.
Today, the postage stamps were put into postal circulation and went on sale in post offices throughout the country and the Collectioner show room chain.

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