The event took place at the Impulse of Goodness All-Russian Festival of Social Entrepreneurship; the cancellation ceremony was attended by Natalia Zvereva, the Director of the Fund of Regional Social Programs Our Future; and Artem Adibekov, the Director General of Joint-Stock Company Marka.
The issue of the unstamped card is dedicated to the 5th Anniversary of enshrining of the concepts of social entrepreneurship and social enterprise in the Federal Law No. 209-FZ On the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Russian Federation adopted on July 24, 2007. Today, social entrepreneurship is becoming one of the important and successful areas in business, which is aimed at achieving socially useful goals and solving social problems of citizens and the society. An important criterion for the success of such companies or entrepreneur is exactly the social effect. These are positive changes that are taking place in the life of a particular beneficiary or the society as a whole: employment of people with disabilities; single parents and large family parents who bring up minor children; pensioners, graduates of orphanages, refugees or low-income citizens; realization of goods and services created by citizens from socially vulnerable categories; education of orphaned children or production of environmentally friendly products, and a lot more.
The unstamped postcard provides the image of the Social Entrepreneur ideograph and the logo of the Fund of Regional Social Programs Our Future, which provides assistance in the development of social entrepreneurship and support for social entrepreneurs.
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