On April 26 of 2024, within the framework of the meeting of the Postal Operations Council commission, the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union awarded the Russian Federation a Gold Medal for the valuable postal matter exhibit The 165th Anniversary of the First Russian Postage Stamp. The exhibit prepared by JSC Marka in cooperation with the Union of Philatelists of Russia was judged the best in group "C" of the Competition Class among countries issuing more than 70 postage stamps per year. The second and the third places were awarded to stamps of the People's Republic of China (Macao) and Romania, respectively.
The philatelic exhibit prepared by JSC Marka gave a demonstration of thematic and narrative diversity, cultural orientation of the products produced, as well as high design skills and print quality. For the first time, demonstrated were stamps available for viewing in the AR mode. Since 2018, Russia has been implementing a project of issuing postage stamps with the augmented reality technology. The application of modern visual technologies makes it possible to go beyond the boundaries of the usual perception of a postal miniature as state valuable postal matter and expand its consumer characteristics.
The Competition Class was held from November 27 until December 2 of 2023 during the THAILAND 2023 World Philatelic Exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand. The Competition Class presented exhibits from 22 countries. The high award of the Universal Postal Union is a vivid evidence of recognition of the high quality of Russian postal products.

The exhibit can be found here.
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