On April 24, 2024, within the frames of the meeting of the Postal Operations Council of the Universal Postal Union, Artem Adibekov, the President of the World Association for the Development of Philately and the Director General of JSC Marka, reported on the results of the activities of the Association over 2023.
In 2023, the WADP with the support of postal administrations of UPU member countries and international philatelic organizations undertook major efforts with conferences, roundtables and training seminars. Among them, we shall mention a philatelic forum and workshop on “Crypto stamps and NFTs: what future models for posts and philately?” (November 28, 2023, Bangkok, Thailand), a philatelic conference themed “Philately - Sustainability of the Sector in the Digital Age” (November 21–23, 2023, Rabat, Morocco), as well as the 18th Competition Class for Issuing Postal Administrations of UPU member countries in the frames of International Stamp Exhibition THAILAND 2023.
In order to achieve WADP goals, a number of working groups were established that were tasked with exchanging data and sharing experiences on a regular basis on the introduction of new technologies for postage stamp sales and attracting consumers of different ages, as well as questing for and implementing of innovative approaches to philately promotion in their countries.
Working Group 3 headed by Tunisia, conducted an extensive study among designated operators of UPU member countries in 2023 on the creation of a quality seal for postage stamps. The analysis of answers to the questionnaire has demonstrated a high level of quality of philatelic products, typography and thematic diversity of stamps of the Russian Federation: 58 % of respondents rated them as "excellent" and 42 % as "good".
The overwhelming majority of participants (77%) are in favor of a quality seal for postage stamps as an acknowledgement of international recognition of the standards, safety and high level of the products used throughout the production chain. These results demonstrate the support of the global philatelic community for the idea that a quality seal can bring significant benefits to the field of philately. These could involve improving the quality of guarantees for collectors, differentiating the market and increasing the value of collector stamps; 96% of participants highlighted the fundamental role of the World Association for the Development of Philately in the process of stamp quality marking, standards setting, international coordination, technical assistance and promotion of best practices.

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