Summarized are the results of All-Russian children’s drawing competition Traditions of My Family

The event was arranged and held by the Foundation of Apostle Andrew the First-Called, an International public foundation for the promotion of the spiritual and moral revival of modern society, with the support from Nikas Safronov, a People's Artist of the Russian Federation, an Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, and the competition partners: Joint-Stock Company Marka and the Children’s Radio station. The competition was dedicated to the Day of Children and Parental Happiness, which is celebrated in Russia annually on June 1.

The aims of the competition was to promote the celebration of the Day of Children and Parental Happiness in the Russian Federation as well as traditional family values among children and young people; to form a socially attractive image of a traditional multi-child family; to favor a creative initiative of children and young people and to develop students’ creative abilities; to reveal young talents and to offer them support and encouragement.

Artworks from 4,600 participants from all over the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan were submitted for the competition. Participants aged 6 to 14 competed in three age groups: from 6 to 8 y.o., from 9 to 12 y.o., and from 13 to 16 y.o. The jury determined 289 finalists, of whom 10 winners were selected including the Grand Prix winner.

The Grand Prix was awarded to 8-y.o. Alexandra Lyubina (Saint Petersburg) for her drawing Learning to Ride a Bicycle. On the basis of her drawing, JSC Marka will produce an artistic stamped envelope in the quantity of 500 thousand pieces. All the competition winners will be awarded with signed diplomas and presents from the Organizers of the competition and its partner - the JuliToys company.

A complete list of award winners can be found here.

The Audience Award winner regarding the results of popular vote will be announced on June 5, 2023.

The organizers of the competition are thankful to all the authors of the drawings for their active participation in the competition and for their creative work.

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