The event was attended by Colonel General Alexandr Popov, the Commander of the Central Orsha-Khingan Red Banner Order of Zhukov District of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation; Retired Colonel Nikolai Grigoriev, an Assistant Commander of the Central District of Rosgvardia for coordination with veterans; Lieutenant Colonel Vadim Tsoriev, the Commander of the 683rd Signal Regiment; Colonel General Anatoly Shkirko, the Chairman of the Board of the Doblest Charity Foundation for assistance to veterans of combat actions and special operations, a member of the Board of the Association of combat veterans of bodies of internal affairs and internal troops of Russia; and Artem Adibekov, the Director General of JSC Marka.
The official date of formation of military unit 5583 is May 12, 1998. Subunits of the Signal Regiment successfully carry out service and combat missions in Moscow and Moscow region, as well as outside the permanent duty station: in the cities of St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, a number of entities of the North Caucasus Federal District and other regions of the country, providing security at such large events as the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg in 2003, MAKS Air Shows from 2003 to 2017, the FIFA Confederations Cup of 2017, and the FIFA World Cup in Moscow in 2018. Service members of the military unit worthily and with honor perform their military duty regarding the performance of service and combat missions in detachment from the permanent duty station and while carrying out operational and technical service in communication battle stations. Two hundred and twenty members of the Regiment carried out service and fighting missions in battle areas in the North Caucasus and the Syrian Arab Republic. Starting with February 24, 2022, service members of the Signal Regiment have been participating in the special military operation in Ukraine, making a considerable contribution to the development of our state, the preservation of peace and order. Many of them were awarded state and departmental awards, conferred by awards by commanders and chief officers of various ranks. To date, service members of the Regiment were awarded 40 state and 250 departmental awards for their courage and bravery, special personal services, diligence and distinction in service.
The postcard shows a heraldic sign and a regiment member against a communications van. The Print Run is 1.6 thousand cards. The postcard was put into postal circulation and went on sale in post offices throughout the country and the Collectioner show room chain.

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