The event was attended by Anatoly Kulikov, the President of the Club of Military Leaders of the Russian Federation; Leonid Petrov, the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Main Directorate for Combating Extremism of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia; Vladimir Bulatov, the Vice President of the RUS Interregional Association for Social Protection of Veterans and Officers of Special Forces of Law-Enforcement Authorities and Special Services; Mikhail Suntsov, the First Vice President of the League of Veterans of the Organized Crime Fighting Service; and Artem Adibekov, the Director General of Joint Stock Company Marka.
Andrei Krest’yaninov (1961–1996) was the Chief of a Special Rapid Response Division of the Head Office for Fighting Organized Crime of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, a Police Lieutenant Colonel, a Hero of the Russian Federation. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 21, 1996, for the courage and heroism demonstrated on the performance of a special mission, Police Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Krest’yaninov was awarded the title of a Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).
The postage stamp provides a portrait of Hero of the Russian Federation Andrei Krest’yaninov, a battle scene and the Gold Star Medal. The Print Run of the stamp is 65 thousand items. The Design artist is Maksim Podobed.
Starting from 2012, JSC Marka has been annually issuing postage stamps in the Heroes of the Russian Federation series as a tribute and a token of thanks to Russian soldiers and officers for the accomplished feats. The common features of all those whom the issues of this series are devoted to are great courage, honor, a sense of duty and endless bravery, which forced them to perform a feat in the name of their people and Motherland.
On February 21. 2023, the postage stamp was put into postal circulation and went on sale in post offices throughout the country and the Collectioner show room chain.

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