Mikhail Prishvin (1873–1954) was a Russian and Soviet novelist, prose writer and publicist.
Prishvin was born on February 4, 1873, in the village of Khrushchyevo-Lyovshino in the Orel Province into a merchant's family. He studied at the chemistry and agronomy department of the Riga Polytechnic School, was engaged in the laboratory of the physical chemist and philosopher W. Ostwald, and worked for a long time as an agronomist.
He made his debut in literature in 1906: in the Rodnichok children's magazine Prishvin published his first story Sashok. In 1925, the first collection of stories for children entitled Matryoshka v Kartoshke (Matryoshka in the Potato) was issued. The first publication in the Murzilka children's magazine was in 1926: his story Gaechki was published in the 8th issue.
Prishvin’s passion for hunting and local history had an effect on a series of hunting and children's stories written in the 1920s and subsequently included in his book The Nature Calendar (1935), which made him famous as a narrator of nature and a singer of Central Russia.
Prominence among the writings by Prishvin should be given to the following novels, essays and stories: In the Land of Fearless Birds: Sketches of the Vygovsky Krai, Zhen-shen (Root of Life), The Undressed Spring, Solovki, Facelia and The Forest Eavesdrop, as well as to his fairy tales Osudareva doroga (The Monarchic Road) and Korabelnaya chashcha (The Shipbuilding Thicket). Mikhail Prishvin himself considered his chief book to be The Diaries, which he was keeping for almost half a century (1905-1954).
The commemorative stamp provides a portrait of Mikhail Prishvin against a typewriter; the main image features his books The Storeroom of the Sun, Osudareva doroga, The Fox's Bread, and a fountain pen.
In addition to the issue of the envelope with a commemorative stamp, JSC Marka produced special cancels for Moscow, Murmansk, Petrozavodsk and Orel.
Artist: D. Musikhina-Belova.
Design: M. Korneeva.
Quantity: 500 thousand envelopes.
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