Vasily Surikov (1848-1916) was a Russian painter, academician, a Full Member of the Imperial Academy of Arts.
The artist had a masterful command of all the techniques of drawing and painting, which enabled him to create portraits, impressive landscapes and large-scale historical paintings.
The main features of Surikov's artworks are the subtle embodiment of the spirit of the age, the careful outworking of details, the dynamic and precisely thought-out plot, and the enhanced attention to colors and tones. The paintings feature strong characters, human freedom, independence of personalities, and rebellious strength.
The artist’s famous works are the Morning of Strelets’ Execution (1881), Boyarynya Morozova (1887), the Conquest of the Snow Town (1891), the Crimean Landscape (1907) and the Yenisei by Krasnoyarsk (1909).
The postage stamp features a fragment of the Surikov's painting Morning of Strelets’ Execution (1881, Tretyakov Gallery); the margins of the postal block provide a portrait of Surikov by I. Kramskoi (1887, the Surikov Krasnoyarsk Art Museum) and the interior of the Surikov Estate Museum in Krasnoyarsk.
In addition to the issue of the postal block, JSC Marka produced First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk as well as illustrated envelopes for the postal block with a label and a First Day Cover with a cancel for Krasnoyarsk and the second emission type: an imperforated postal block made on canvas-type design paper.
Design Artist: O. Savina.
Face value: 175 rubles.
Block size: 115×83 mm, stamp size in the block: 50×37 mm.
Quantity: 21 thousand blocks (the first emission type); 4.2 thousand blocks (the second emission type*).
* To be on sale as part of an illustrated cover.
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