On November 9-10, 2022, the International Convention Center in Cape Town of the Republic of South Africa hosted a conference for Postal Administrations as well as specialized printing organizations and companies that are developers of digital solutions. The event was jointly organized by the Universal Postal Union, the World Association for the Development of Philately and the Pan African Postal Union. The conference was held in a hybrid format using remote online access for participants from 26 countries.
Artem Adibekov, the President of the World Association for the Development of Philately and the Director General of JSC Marka, gave a welcoming address to the participants of the Conference. He stressed that “postage stamps are the valuable postal matter in every country, philately has a definite business model, and owing to technological innovations, postage stamps can become a multimedia portal from the physical world to the world of virtual reality”. Russia presented its practices and experience in the use of information technology in the traditional philately. Since 2018, a number of stamps make use of the augmented reality technology, which provides additional video and audio content related to the plot of the postal miniature via a mobile application. The functionality of this technological solution is currently being upgraded and updated.
At the same time, Cape Town holds an international philatelic exhibition, which presents an exhibit of JSC Marka, dedicated to the Fine Arts of Russia on the state valuable postal matter.
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