The event was arranged and held by Public Non-profit Company Russian Environmental Operator and JSC Marka with the partner sponsorship of the Moscow Branch of the Union of Artists of Russia and was dedicated to ecology. The competition aims at popularization of environmental behavior patterns, separate waste collection and promotion of conscious consumption, which is an essential condition for achievement of the goals of the Ecology national project.
More than 300 artworks from all over the Russian Federation were submitted for the competition. The participants in the competition were citizens of the Russian Federation: professional painters and designers, students and graduates of creative universities, and non-professional artists. Individual and team projects were accepted.
The judges decided on the finalists in every category. Ksenia Gromova, 25 y.o., Moscow, won in the Postage Stamp category with her Favorite Planet drawing that will make a basis for a postage stamp. Anna Kulikova, 35 y.o., Moscow, with her drawing Protect by Segregating! got the most votes and approval of the Arts Council in the Drawing for an envelope nomination. Her artwork will be used for the issue of an illustrated stamped envelope.
At the end of 2022, the postage stamps will be put into postal circulation and will go on sale in the Collectioner show room chain and in post offices throughout the country.
The organizers of the competition are thankful to all the authors for their active participation in the competition and for their artistic endeavor.

Gromova K. Favorite Planet

Kulikova A. Protect by Segregating!
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