The House-Museum of Ivan Pozhalostin in Solotcha held a press conference of Artem Adibekov, the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, and an Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation, in the frame of the Beauty of the Native Land art exhibition. The event was attended by Marina Kotova, the Director of the I. Pozhalostin Ryazan State Regional Art Museum; Svetlana Esenina, the Deputy Director for Accounting, Storage and Restoration of Funds; representatives of the Ryazan Regional Branch of the Union of Artists of Russia All-Russian Creative Social Organization and the Amateur Artists Club, as well as exhibition visitors and guests of Solotcha.
During the press conference, Artem Adibekov told about his creative plans, said a few words of what counts most for him in creating his artwork, how the choice is made of the form, the size, the composition and the technique of ensuing paintings; besides, he noticed that he had been in charge of JSC Marka for many years and is directly involved in the creation of postage stamps and other types of company products.
The exhibition presents more than 40 paintings by Artem Adibekov. The painter works in the traditional manner of Russian realistic painting. His works are reflective of the beauty, sincerity and harmony of Russian nature, subtle lyrical states of the time of day and year. Artworks by Artem Adibekov have been exhibited at more than 50 art exhibitions, which received wide recognition from the general public and the professional community.
All interested are welcome to visit the exhibition, which will last until August 14, 2022.
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