The Russian Historical Society is a Russian scientific noncommercial organization, recreated on June 20, 2012, as a successor of the Imperial Russian Historical Society, which existed in Russia from 1866 to 1917.
Prominent historians and statesmen participated in the work of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. In 1875-1918, the Society was engaged in the preparation and publication of the Russian Biographical Dictionary. After the February Revolution of 1917 the financial backing of the organization actually ceased; in 1918, its library and archives were sealed, and in later time, partially lost. In 1920, the Society took a decision of self-liquidation and handed over its property and publications to the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The purpose of the reconstituted Russian Historical Society is to join the efforts of state and public figures, scientists, art experts and history buffs to form the all-Russian historical culture relying on the objective study, coverage and popularization of national and world history and national commemoration work. Furthermore, the Society carries out research, expedition and publishing activities; it is engaged in collection, preservation and distribution of all historical information; it also conducts an expertise of teaching and learning materials.
The postage stamp provides an image of the complex of buildings of the Russian Historical Society in Moscow and its emblem.
In addition to the issue of the postage stamp, JSC Marka produced First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Design Artist: N. Karpova.
Face value: 50 rubles.
Stamp size: 42×30 mm, sheet size: 146×174 mm.
Emission form: a sheet with formatted margins with 15 (3×5) stamps.
Quantity: 120 thousand stamps (8 thousand sheets).
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