The event was attended by Lieutenant General of Police Igor Kalinichenko, the Head of the V. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Lieutenant General of the Internal Service Vladimir Kubyshko, the Acting Head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; and Artem Adibekov, the Director General of Joint Stock Company Marka.
The Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was founded on June 14, 2002. By the Decree No. 566 of August 12, 2014, of the President of the Russian Federation the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was given the honorific “named after V. Kikot” in honor of Lieutenant General of police Vladimir Kikot, the first Head of the University, Honored Figure of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Education, professor, Correspondent Member of the Russian Education Academy.
The University of today is the flagship of the departmental education, the largest methodological and scientific center, which has at its disposal a unique scientific and pedagogical potential and a solid material and technical foundation. The University has not only an all-Russian, but also international reputation of the leading university among the educational organizations of law enforcement agencies and successfully solves challenging tasks of training highly qualified specialists for internal affairs bodies.
The illustrated stamped envelope provides images of a new building of the V. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the emblem of the University. The Print Run of the illustrated stamped envelope is 500,000 items.

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