The event was attended by Elena Drapeko, a Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Anton Privezentsev, the Director of the Department of the Development of New Telecommunication Services of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation; Colonel General Anatoly Shkirko, a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Combat Veterans of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops of Russia; Lieutenant General of Police Igor Kalinichenko, the Head of the V. Kikotya Moscow University of the Russian Interior Ministry; and Colonel Dmitry Sukhanov, the Head of the Department of Military and Political Work, the Deputy Head of the Chief Military and Political Directorate of the Federal Service of National Guard Troops of Russia.
All-Russian Public Organization Association of Veterans of Hostilities of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of Russia was instituted on April 28, 1992. The Association unites employees, servicemen, and pensioners of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Service of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, who took part in combat operations, including those retired from active duty and resigned. As of today, the organization comprises more than 500 thousand members; it has 74 regional offices and 2 branches of the Association.
The illustrated stamped envelope features an emblem of the Association and the Monument to soldiers-internationalists on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. The print run is 500 thousand envelopes. The envelope has entered into postal circulation and can be used for sending correspondence about Russia and worldwide.
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