Dmitri V. Grigorovich (1822-1900) was a Russian writer. He was born on March 31, 1822, in Simbirsk Province to a noble family. At the age of eight, he was brought to Moscow, where he attended the Moscow Gymnasium and stayed about 3 years in the Monighetty French boarding school. On its completion in 1836, he entered the St. Petersburg Engineering School, where he studied until 1840 and became acquainted with F. Dostoyevsky, who awakened a craving for literature in him. In 1841, he met N. Nekrasov who at that time published various collections, in particular, The First of April humor almanac, which published a collective work by three authors: Grigorovich, Dostoevsky and Nekrasov How Dangerous it is to Addict Oneself to Ambitious Dreams and his aidless work A Bolt of Canvas (1846). Grigorovich also published small essays in the Literaturnaya Gazeta and theatrical feuilletons in the Severnaya Pchela magazine.
Late in 1846, his novel The Village was published in the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine, which immediately granted him a literary name, and in 1847, his famous Anton Goremyka (Luckless Anton) was published by Sovremennik. It was D. Grigorovich who became the first nobleman writer to describe the life of ordinary people in his works. Telling the readers about the peasants’ everyday life, he managed to render all their earthy problems and difficulties with comprehensive faithfulness. In the mid-1880s, Grigorovich wrote novels The Gutta-Percha Boy, Acrobats of Charity, and Reminiscences. The Grigorovich's place in literature is entirely determined by his novels The Village and Anton Goremyka. These novels made Grigorovich the founder of the narodnik movement of the nobility in literature. In The Fishermen, he gave an ideal image of a peasant, clearly defined by the author's class position. The abundance of ethnographic elements in peasant writings by Grigorovich (folk rites, customs, superstitions, songs) is inherent in the narodnik movement of the nobility of that time.
The commemorative stamp provides a portrait of D. Grigorovich; the main image features the author’s books.
In addition to the issue of the envelope with a commemorative stamp, JSC Marka produced special cancels for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ulyanovsk.
Design Artist: V. Khablovsky.
Quantity: 500 thousand envelopes.
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