On March 5, four postage stamps dedicated to roses were put into postal circulation in the Flora of Russia series


Rose is a genus of perennial deciduous or evergreen shrubs from 15 cm to 2 m high. Shoots and stems are usually covered with thorns; flowers are simple or polypetal, large or gathered in inflorescences, brightly colored, and fragrant. At present time, about 400 varieties of wild and above 30 thousand cultivars of garden roses are known. Rose petals are widely used in the chemical industry to create perfumes, in gastronomy for cooking dishes and beverages, and in folk medicine.

The collection of garden roses in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden has been developing since the Garden foundation in 1812 by its first director Christian Steven. Over the past two centuries, more than 6,000 varieties of roses from 30 garden groups have been studied. The best varieties created by plant breeders of the Garden are well-preserved in the historical section of its collectable rose garden. For today, there are 459 varieties of roses in the rose garden of the park.

The postage stamps feature the following rose varieties of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden: Blagovest (Church-Going Bell), Polka Babochka (Butterfly Polka), Feodosiyskaya Krasavitsa (Feodosia Beauty) and Emmy.

In addition to the issue of the postage stamps, JSC Marka produced First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Nikita of the Republic of Crimea, Penza, Sevastopol, and Tambov; as well as four maxi-cards and an illustrated envelope with postal stamps, a label and a First Day Cover with a cancel for Moscow inside.

Design Artist: O. Savina.
Face value: 59 rubles.
Stamp size: 36.5×29 mm, sheet size: 100×150 mm.
Emission form: a sheet with formatted margins with 8 (2×4) stamps.
Quantity: 66 thousand stamps each (33 thousand sheets each).

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