The event was attended by Leonid Slutsky, the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, the Chairman of the Board of International Public Fund Russian Peace Foundation; Zurab Tsereteli, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the International Public Foundation Russian Peace Foundation, the President of the Russian Academy of Arts, People's Artist of the USSR and Russian Federation; Bella Cherkesova, the Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation; and Leonid Roshal, the President of the Emergency Children’s Surgery and Traumatology Research Institute, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
The Russian Peace Foundation is the successor of the Soviet Peace Foundation established in April, 1961. On March 27, 2003, the Russian Peace Foundation was reorganized into International Public Fund Russian Peace Foundation. The Russian Peace Foundation branches are active in 56 regions of Russia; the Foundation has a subdivision in the Republic of Bulgaria, and partnership organizations in the USA and Canada. The Russian Peace Foundation is engaged in implementation of permanent all-Russian charitable and humanitarian programs, in particular, Memory of the People, Peace and Culture, Peace and Youth, Peace and Concord, Children of Russia, Solicitude, etc. The RPF is registered with the UN Organization and has a status of a participant in the Council of Europe. For a number of years, the Foundation has been a participant in the Nordic Callot Movement, which unites peacemakers from Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Russia. The RPF was awarded a diploma by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees for longstanding partnership in informing the Russian public about refugee issues.
The stamp was put into postal circulation in the quantity of 162 thousand items on April 27, 2021. The postage stamp provides an image of the RPF official logo against the background of the tricolor.
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