On May 21, in the frame of the Days of the Republic of Karelia in Moscow, the team of JSC Marka was granted state awards of the Republic of Karelia. The head of the Republic of Karelia Arthur Parfenchikov presented a badge of honor of the Republic of Karelia For Contribution to the Development of the Republic to Artyom Adibekov, the Director General of JSC Marka.
In the course of 2019 and 2020, a philatelic program dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Karelia was successfully implemented. In total, 21 subjects of state valuable postal matter (postage stamps and blocks, stamped envelopes and postcards) that highlight the rich historical, cultural and natural heritage of the Republic were put into postal circulation. The total Print Run of the issued products amounted to 4 million 700 thousand pieces.
Letters of gratitude of the head of the Republic of Karelia were presented to Olga Savina, the Deputy Director General, Editor-in-Chief; Elena Didenko, the Deputy Director General, Director of Editorial and Production; Sergey Ulyanovsky, Creative Advisor; Natalia Murchich, the Head of the Editorial and Publication Department; and Elena Evstratova, Senior Literary Editor.

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