Gevork A. Vartanyan (1924−2012) was an undercover agent, colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union.
The postal stamp provides a G.A. Vartanyan’s portrait and an image of a Gold Star medal.
Design Artist: M. Podobed
Face value: 40 rubles.
Stamp size: 37×37 mm, sheet size: 131×138 mm.
Emission form: a sheet with formatted margins with 8 (3×3) stamps and a coupon.
Quantity: 104 thousand stamps (13 thousand sheets).
Alexey M. Kozlov (1934–2015) was an undercover agent, colonel, Hero of the Russian Federation.
The postal stamp provides an A.M. Kozlov’s portrait and an image of a Gold Star medal against a secret test site in the RSA.
Design Artist: V. Beltyukov.
Face value: 40 rubles.
Stamp size: 42×30 mm, sheet size: 104×112 mm.
Emission form: a sheet with formatted margins with 5 (2×3) stamps and a coupon.
Quantity: 80 thousand stamps (16 thousand sheets).
Vladimir B. Barkovsky (1913–2003) was an intelligence officer, colonel, Hero of the Russian Federation.
Alexander S. Feklisov (1914–2007) was an intelligence officer, colonel, Hero of the Russian Federation.
The postal stamps provide portraits of the intelligence officers.
Design Artist: V. Beltyukov.
Face value: 35 rubles.
Stamp size: 28×40 mm, sheet size: 104×112 mm.
Emission form: sheets with formatted margins with 6 (3×2) stamps.
Quantity: 96 thousand each stamp (16 thousand each sheet).
In addition to the issue of the postal stamps, JSC Marka will produce First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vologda and Rostov-on-Don.
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