On September 9, an official ceremony took place of cancellation of a stamped envelope dedicated to the 100th Anniversary from the date of foundation of the Moscow aero surveying company

The event was attended by Oleg Dukhovnitsky, the Head of the Federal Communications Agency; Sergey Karutin, the Director General of JSC Roscartography; and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Viktor Savinykh, the President of the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The company was founded in September 1920. This is the largest topographic and geodetic company in Russia, which made the basis for establishing Roscartography in 2012. The company has at its disposal highly qualified personnel, modern high-precision equipment and technologies, including a data-processing computer center, which allow it to perform important nationwide tasks of topographic and geodetic support of the national economy and defense of the country. The products of the company have been repeatedly awarded the International Quality Award of the Trade Leaders’ Club.

According to the Head of Rossvyaz, the Federal Communications Agency in cooperation with JSC Marka annually produces a variety of philatelic products dedicated to the anniversaries of state, public and scientific organizations. This year, an artistic stamped envelope has been put into postal circulation in the quantity of 1 million copies that features the Roscartography emblem and archival photographs of the working process of aero surveying specialists.

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