Historic cancellation of a postal block at a Russian station in Antarctica

On January 28, on the date of the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica, a postal block cancellation ceremony was held in Antarctica — the southernmost point of the Earth. The event took place at the Bellingshausen Russian station; Viktor Veledin, the Head of the station, put his signature and an impress of the commemorative cancel.

On January 28, 2020, a postal block with portraits of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev was put into postal circulation within the frames of the joint issue of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Estonia. Design artist: Ivan Ulyanovsky. Quantity: 27 thousand blocks.

Upon completion of the expedition, the souvenir cancel was handed over to the Collector showroom in Moscow. We invite philatelists and everyone interested to put an impress of the souvenir cancel on items to enlarge their collections!

Showroom address: 116 Prospect Mira, Moscow.

For more detailed information, please, watch TV spots of the Mir channel:


Photo: Sergey Evseev.

Photo: Sergey Evseev.

Photo: Sergey Evseev.

Photo: Sergey Evseev.

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