The subscription to the first half of 2019 continues. The subscription index in the Russian Post catalog is 60593.
The monthly Russian magazine for collectors "Philately" (until 1991 - "Philately of the USSR") is published by the joint-stock company "Marka". The publication was founded in 1966 simultaneously with the creation of the All-Union Society of Philatelists, this is the oldest national publication for collectors.
The main areas of the journal Philately are: prompt and qualified description of all issued postage stamps of the Russian Federation; coverage of important events in the activities of the World Association for the Development of Philately, the Federal Agency of Communications and the Joint-Stock Company “Marka”; information on philatelic exhibitions of the Union of Philatelists of Russia and other events held in the country and abroad; publication of materials on thematic philately and research articles on philately and postal history; methodical materials to help exhibitors and for young philatelists.
The editors are proud of the fact that practically all well-known philatelists of our country and the largest researchers abroad are listed among the authors of the journal. The names of many of them from the pages of the magazine step into the pages of exhibition catalogs, and from the stands of prestigious philatelic exhibitions - into the research sections of Philately.
The editors of the magazine see their task in as much as possible and more interesting to talk about the issued signs of postage, first of all - the Russian Federation; continue, as one of the main research directions in the national philately; cover the exhibition, help novice collectors to master the basics of collecting letters and get experience in the design of exhibits.
For half a century the history of the journal he received several hundred awards at philatelic exhibitions of different levels - from regional to world.
Magazine "Philately" - your compass in the world of postage stamps, more than half a century with you and for you!

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