September 29, an official cancellation ceremony of an artistic stamped envelope dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the institution of barristers in Russia took place

The ceremony took place in Moscow today. Vladimir Shelihov, Deputy Head of the Federal Communications Agency and Yury Pilipenko, the President of the Federal chamber of lawyers of the Russian Federation, took part in the event.

Institute of barristers was formed in the course of judicial reforms carried out by Emperor Alexander II. In its development the domestic legal profession has gone through several major stages: from attorneys, which existed until 1917, to the creation in 1922 of the Bar Association, and its further development in the Soviet period.

Currently, representatives of the bar are competitions in civil and pleadings in criminal proceedings with the purpose of uncovering the truth and providing a fair protection to the accused.

The artistic stamped envelope bears the sign of lawyer, scroll and pen.

“Artistic stamped envelope dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Institute of barristers, is a tribute to the past, when the foundations were laid of the judiciary system, used so far. Unique instances will always hold the memory of today's event and will be a philatelic rarity among collectors all over the world”, said Mr. Shelihov.

Design: A. Moskovets
Circulation: 1,000,000 copies.

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