Oleg Dukhovnitskiy, Head of the Federal Communications Agency; Roman Sheredin, Deputy Head of the Federal Communications Agency; Grigory Gritsaev, FSUE SSDI RTV Acting Director; and Valentin Kulikov, Chief Land Surveyor of the Engineering Research Department of FSUE SSDI RTV, took part in the event.
The issuance of the postcard was timed with the 65th anniversary of the company, which was founded on 17 April 1951. Throughout its history, SSDI RTV has made a major contribution into the formation and development of the communications industry and has become a leading Russian institute in integrated design of radio communication networks and objects, as well as radio and television broadcasting. Major unique television and radio broadcasting objects, radio relay lines, satellite communications systems, special-purpose objects, etc, have been created based on designs by SSDI RTV.
Rossvyaz Chief Mr. Oleg Dukhovnitskiy congratulated the company staff noting that nowadays “SSDI RTV is broadening its business dimensions using a unique experience of the best specialists and cutting-edge design technology. With this postcard, we shall immortalize the institute achievements and its role in the industry development”.
The postcard issued by FSUE PTC “Marka” features the Dubna Space Communication Center, which was built based on the SSDI RTV design, as well as the institute logo.
Design: Kh. Betredinova
Circulation: 5,000 copies.
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