The event was attended by the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the chairman of the Russian historical society Sergey Naryshkin, Head of the Federal Communications Agency Oleg Dukhovnitskiy and the Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Tolstoy. The ceremony was held in the State Duma as part of the Year of Literature in Russia Organizing Committee meeting.
Today, two stamps dedicated to the 175 th anniversary of the birth of V.O. Klyuchevsky, a historian, and 250 th anniversary of the birth of N.M. Karamzin, a writer and historian, were introduced into postal circulation. This issue starts a new Outstanding Russian Historians stamp series, which aims at emphasizing the role of historians in the forming and preservation of the state heritage.
The stamps are issued as part of the Agreement on Cooperation and Strategic partnership between the Federal Communications Agency and the Russian Historical Society. Postage stamps of the Russian Federation traditionally are dedicated to memorable dates and act as a guide in introducing a person to important events in the history of the state.
"The popularization of historical and cultural heritage of Russia, as a subject of national pride, is a basis of the national philatelic movement. Thanks to postal miniatures, their images will be preserved for centuries, and the stamps will undoubtedly become a pride and joy of any collection," said Mr. Dukhovnitskiy.

Designer: I. Ulyanovsky.
Face value: 25 RUB.
Size of stamps: 50 × 37 mm, size of sheet: 180 × 188 mm.
Form of issue: sheet with illustrated margins of 8 (3×4) stamps and 4 coupons (4
horizontal strips).
Circulation: 200,000 stamps (50,000 sheets).
Additionally, FSUE PTC “Marka” has manufactured a first day cover and first daypostmarks for Moscow and Penza.
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky (1841–1911) was born to a family of a village priest. He graduated from the historical and philological faculty of the Moscow University and began teaching. Vasily Klyuchevsky was a professor of Russian history at the Moscow University, corresponding member of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Academician of Russian History and Antiquities, Honorary Academician of belles-lettres. Since the 1880s, he was a member of the MoscowArchaeological Society, the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, Moscow Society of Russian History and Antiquities (chairman in 1893-1905).
The most-known treatise of Klyuchevsky, which received worldwide recognition, was a Course of Russian History in 5 parts.
Nikolay Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766–1826) was a son of a landowner of Simbirsk province. He was educated at home, later in a private school in Moscowт he also attended lectures at the Moscow University.
Literary activity of Nikolay Karamzin, a recognized Russian sentimentalism leader, played an important role in improving artistic means of depicting a human inner world and in developing the Russian literary language. He issued the Moscow Journal (1791-1792), in which he also the published his own works.
Since the mid-1790s, Nikolay Karamzin’s interest in problems of history manifested itself. He abandoned fiction and worked mainly on the History of the Russian State (Vol. 1-12, 1816–1829), one of the most significant works in Russian historiography.
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