In the festive atmosphere the prize of honor was given to Olga Ivanova, chief editor of the FSUE publishing and trading center "Marka" and to Aleksey Drobyshev, author of the stamp “Visit to Russia”. The representatives of the postal administrations from 11 European countries, representatives of the organization PostEurop, Town Hall attended the ceremony. Aleksander Stebakov, Consul of the Russian Federation in Belgium was among the invited employees of the diplomatic corps.

The postage stamp ”Visit to Russia” was issued on May 4th 2012. The postage stamp depicts a woman of the house in the Russian national dress who welcomes the guests with bread and salt. The postage stamp “Visit to Russia” won the Jury Prize at the competition for the best Europe stamp 2012.

This year 55 postage stamps were represented at the competition. The structure of the competition jury included experts in the field of philately: David E. Feylor (Post administration of the United Nations); Vita Frankova (philatelic expert, Czech Republic); Juergen Hapers (philatelic expert, Switzerland); Stefan Klein (designer, Germany); Olaf Noymann (designer, Germany); Martin Mork (designer, Sweden); Botond Sdzhebi (PostEurop, Belgium).

Since 1956 the special Europe postage stamps have been issued by the European postal administrations/enterprises with logo EUROPA. EUROPA stamps have been a symbol of Europe’s desire for closer integration and co-operation. Since 1993 PostEurop has been the responsible organization for issuing EUROPA stamps.
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