The stamp features the landscape of the Oksky State biosphere reserve and representatives of its flora and fauna. The reserve is situated in Ryazan region, near the Meshchorskaya lowland. It was founded in 1935. Its total area is 22896 hectares. It aims to preserve a unique natural complex on the border of conifer-hardwood forests and forest-steppe. Pinewood, birchwood and aspenwood grow in the reserve. There are also areas of connate steppe flora there. The fauna of the reserve is very rich. The aurochs farm was founded there in 1948. The stamp features some representatives of the reserve flora and fauna: an aupochs, a squirrel, an oriole and also the pictures of the branches of an oak, a pine, blossoming shrubbery and herbage. The text reads "Oksky State biosphere reserve" and there is a word "Europe".
Face value |
Size |
Description |
Price, mint |
Price, used |
Quantity |
5.00 |
42×30 |
The stamp features the landscape of the Oksky State biosphere reserve and representatives of its flora and fauna. The reserve is situated in Ryazan region, near the Meshchorskaya lowland. It was founded in 1935. Its total area is 22896 hectares. It aims to preserve a unique natural complex on the border of conifer-hardwood forests and forest-steppe. Pinewood, birchwood and aspenwood grow in the reserve. There are also areas of connate steppe flora there. The fauna of the reserve is very rich. The aurochs farm was founded there in 1948. The stamp features some representatives of the reserve flora and fauna: an aupochs, a squirrel, an oriole and also the pictures of the branches of an oak, a pine, blossoming shrubbery and herbage. The text reads "Oksky State biosphere reserve" and there is a word "Europe".
multicolor |
5.00 |
0.00 |
300000 |