The left part of the stamp features a logo of the International Philatelist Exhibition "IBRA-99" which took place in Nurenberg, Germany on 27 April - 4 May 1999. In the right part of the stamp there is a sight of Nurenberg, a 15th century house where Albrecht Durer lived. The stamp bears the following text in Russian and German: "The International Philatelist Exhibition. Nurenberg, 27.04 - 4.05.1999"
Face value |
Size |
Description |
Price, mint |
Price, used |
Quantity |
3.00 |
42×30 |
The left part of the stamp features a logo of the International Philatelist Exhibition "IBRA-99" which took place in Nurenberg, Germany on 27 April - 4 May 1999. In the right part of the stamp there is a sight of Nurenberg, a 15th century house where Albrecht Durer lived. The stamp bears the following text in Russian and German: "The International Philatelist Exhibition. Nurenberg, 27.04 - 4.05.1999"
multicolor |
3.00 |
0.60 |
250000 |