№ 016К-2015/2015-025. Penza on old postal cards. The building of Penza Art College named after K.A. Savitsky. The twentieth century

Designer – Betredinova K.

№ 2015-025
Penza on old postal cards.
The building of Penza Art College named after K.A. Savitsky.
The twentieth century

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Penza on old postal cards.
The building of Penza Art College named after K.A. Savitsky.
The twentieth century


№ заказа Типография Тираж Формат Номинал Бумага Клеевой слой
2015-025 РПФГ 500000 110х220 Литера «A» Конвертная ВБМ (с водяными знаками) Силигом