Emissions of state valuable postal matter in June

On June 5, a souvenir sheet dedicated to the Peterhof State Reserve Museum will go into postal circulation for the 70th Anniversary of Accession of Russia to UNESCO

UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) was founded in 1945.

Russia has been a Member State of UNESCO since April 21 of 1954. Joining the international treaty has opened new opportunities for our country to acquaint the world with its outstanding cultural and historical monuments and unique nature reserves, to obtain additional guarantees of their preservation and to gain access to the world's experience in their management. To date, our country has 21 cultural and 11 natural World Heritage sites.

Peterhof is a world-famous palace and park complex located at 29 km from St. Petersburg on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. The complex is famous for its fountains and cascades, which are monuments of world hydraulic engineering art of the 18th-19th centuries.

Currently, the Peterhof State Reserve Museum comprises the Lower Park, the Upper Gardens, the Alexandria and Oranienbaum parks, gardens on the islands of the Colonist Park, the Palace of Peter the Great in Strelna and museums on the territory of these palace and park ensembles.

The postage stamp provides an image of the Grand Peterhof Palace; the margins of the souvenir sheet feature a panorama of the Upper Gardens of the Peterhof State Reserve Museum.

In addition to the issue of the souvenir sheet, JSC Marka will produce First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Design Artist: M. Bodrova.
Face value: 200 rubles.
Souvenir sheet size: 122×98 mm, stamp size in the souvenir sheet: 65×32.5 mm.
Quantity: 19 thousand souvenir sheets.

On June 5, stamps dedicated to the felt carpet making of the North Caucasus will go into postal circulation in the Decorative and Applied Arts of Russia series

Felt craft is a very ancient art. For centuries, Caucasian peoples have been famous for their exquisite felted fabrics, which were used to cover the seats of wagons, to spread under a horse saddle, to make burkas and shoes. Of special popularity were patterned carpets to be used to winterize and decorate homes. The flair of a felt carpet depended on the place of its manufacture; the ornaments on the felts carried symbolic information and mirrored the ethical and aesthetic knowledge of highlanders. These could be drawings inspired by the surrounding nature, elements of flora and fauna.

The tradition of producing Ala-kiyiz felt carpets is related to the material and spiritual culture of Karachai and Balkar peoples. These carpets were used to decorate and winterize homes and were an integral part of folk rituals, and served as a dowry for a bride. Stacked on the shelves of a dwelling, they demonstrated not only the wealth of the family, but also the diligence of women.

An important place in the Chechen culture belonged to the traditional Chechen felt carpet, an istang. The word itself is derived from two stems: of numeral "iss" (nine) and noun "tkhonka" (amount of wool shorn from one ram). Hence, the word "istang" means "nine overall clippings". Depending on their purpose, carpets had different sizes, colors, patterns, but the standard istang was made of white wool taken from exactly nine rams or sheep. Istangs were a kind of talismans in every house. People hung them on the walls, spread on the floor; they slept on them and used them to take shelter from the cold.

The postage stamps feature fragments of patterns from national felt carpet istang of the Chechen Republic from the K. Isayev Museum of Local Lore and national felt curtain dzhyygych kiyiz of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic by A. and M. Uzdenovs.

In addition to the issue of the postage stamps, JSC Marka will produce First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Grozny and Cherkessk, as well as an illustrated cover with blocks of four, a label and First Day Covers with cancels for Grozny and Cherkessk inside.

Design Artist: Kh. Betredinova.
Face value: 20 rubles.
Stamp size: 50×50×70 mm, block of four size: 80×80 mm.
Emission form: sheets with 4 (2×2) stamps (a block of four).
Quantity: 120 thousand each stamp (30 thousand each sheet).

On June 6, a stamp dedicated to the 225th Birth Anniversary of poet Alexander Pushkin will go into postal circulation in the framework of the Joint Issue of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus

Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) was an outstanding poet, a playwright, a prose writer, a critic, a theorist, a historian, a publicist, the creator of the national Russian language, one of the most authoritative literary figures of the first half of the 19th century.

Pushkin's creative work is diverse and comprises many genres, such as stories, poems, fairy tales, odes, sonnets, madrigals, critical articles, and a novel in verse. The main themes touched upon by the master are selfless love, the value of friendship, the beauty of Russian nature, patriotism, the continuity of generations, the immortal and the perishable, the problems of remembrance and oblivion, philosophical views and contemplations. All his writings are characterized by the depth of thought, the elegance of language, originality of style, and the accord of form and content.

The postage stamp provides an image of a fragment of painting Pushkin Composing Poems by P. Konchalovsky, 1937-1944 (All-Russian Pushkin Museum) and an illustration to Pushkin's novel Eugene Onegin "Tatiana at the Ball. (The hostess sees a lady coming, / A stately general at her heels…)" by A. Itkin, 2009 (Pushkin State Museum), as well as the cover of the book Eugene Onegin.

In addition to the issue of the postage stamp, JSC Marka will produce First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Voronezh, Gurzuf of the Republic of Crimea, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Polotnyany Zavod of the Kaluga Region, Pushkinskiye Gory of the Pskov Region, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Sevastopol, Stary Oskol of the Belgorod Region, Tver, Tomsk and Chelyabinsk, as well as maxi-cards, unstamped postcards, and an illustrated cover with a postage stamp, a 1997 souvenir sheet, a label and a First Day Cover with a cancel for Pushkinskiye Gory of the Pskov Region inside.

Design Artist: M. Bodrova
Face value: 50 rubles.
Stamp size: 65×32.5 mm, sheet size: 150×155 mm.
Emission form: a sheet with formatted margins with 8 (2×4) stamps.
Quantity: 120 thousand stamps (15 thousand sheets).

On June 11, a surcharged stamp and an overprint of a new text and face value on souvenir sheet Coats of Arms of Constituent Entities and Cities of the Russian Federation. Republic of Bashkortostan, dedicated to the 450th Anniversary of Ufa will go into postal circulation

Ufa is a city with million-plus population in Russia, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the administrative center of the Ufa District. It ranks among the largest economic, cultural and scientific centers of the Russian Federation. It is located on the bank of the Belaya River where it meets the Ufa and Dema Rivers, at 100 km west of the South Ural Ranges. The population of Ufa at the beginning of 2024 was 1,186,446 people.

Today, Ufa makes a significant contribution to the Russian economy. The manufacturing industry of the city is based on the production of oil products and petrochemicals, machine building and chemical industry. Ufa is a major transport hub of Russia. There are 8 federal and 1 republican state higher education institutions and 3 branches of federal state higher education institutions. Ufa is the cultural center of Bashkortostan with a lot of theatres, libraries, cinemas, museums, etc.

The postage stamp provides an image of the monument to M. Shaimuratov, the building of the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theatre against the background of the city panorama.

Design Artist: I. Ulyanovsky.
Face value: 50 rubles.
Stamp size: 42×30 mm, sheet size: 146×174 mm.
Emission form: a sheet with formatted margins with 15 (3×5) stamps.
Quantity: 90 thousand stamps (6 thousand sheets).

The postage stamp provides an image of the coat of arms of the city of Ufa and a surcharge of the new denomination of 120 rubles and inscription “450 Years”; the margins of the souvenir sheet feature the coat of arms of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the map of the Russian Federation.

Design Artist: A. Moskovets; Design: M. Miloradova.
Face value: 120 rubles.
Souvenir sheet size: 90×60 mm, stamp size in the souvenir sheet: 30×42 mm.
Quantity: 7.5 thousand items.

In addition to the issue of the postage stamp and the overprint on the souvenir sheet, JSC Marka will produce First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow and Ufa.

On June 12, a stamp dedicated to the 650th Anniversary of Kirov will go into postal circulation

Kirov (former names Vyatka, Khlynov) is the administrative center of the Kirov Region and a municipality with the status of an urban district. It is located on the Vyatka River. Kirov is the historical, cultural, industrial and scientific center. The population of the city at the beginning of 2024 was 500,457 people.

In 1934, Vyatka was renamed Kirov in honor of famous revolutionary, Soviet statesman and political figure Sergey Kirov. During the Great Patriotic War, citizens of Kirov, as the rest of the country, fought at the front and worked selflessly on the home front. In 1974, Kirov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for its successes in economic and cultural construction and in connection with its 600th Anniversary.

Today, Kirov is a major center of instrument-making, chemical, metalworking and machine-building industries.

The calling card of Kirov are various folk crafts, the most famous among them being Dymkovo toys and burl carving.

The postage stamp provides an image of the monument to Viktor and Apollinary Vasnetsovs, the Spassky Cathedral and a bridge over the Vyatka River.

In addition to the issue of the postage stamp, JSC Marka will produce First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow and Kirov.

Design Artist: I. Ulyanovsky.
Face value: 67 rubles.
Stamp size: 37×37 mm, sheet size: 131×137 mm.
Emission form: a sheet with formatted margins with 9 (3×3) stamps.
Quantity: 72 thousand stamps (8 thousand sheets)

On June 17, a souvenir sheet dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Independent Orders of Suvorov, Zhukov, Lenin and October Revolution Red Banner Operational Purpose Division named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation will go into postal circulation

The Independent Orders of Suvorov, Zhukov, Lenin and October Revolution Red Banner Operational Purpose Division named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (ODON) is a unit of the internal troops of the Russian Federation.

The tasks of the Division are to maintain public order in Moscow and the Moscow Region, to combat terrorism and extremism, and, in time of war, to stand guard over important state facilities.

The division is capable of independently carrying out both highly specialized and general military tasks. It is motorized in full, mobile and in constant combat readiness.

Service personnel of the Division, in association with units of the Main Department of Internal Affairs in Moscow and the Moscow Region, keep guard over public order and public safety during social and political, mass cultural and sporting events, as well as perform Police Patrol and Checkpoint Service.

Currently, many servicemen of the Division are performing tasks during a special military operation.

For services to the Fatherland, the Division was awarded the Order of Lenin (1939), the Order of the Red Banner (1944), the Order of the October Revolution (1985), the Order of Zhukov (2014), and the Order of Suvorov (2024).

The postage stamp provides an image of the Division's heraldic insignia; the margins of the souvenir sheet feature photos presenting the history and activities of the Division, and the Orders of Suvorov, Zhukov, Lenin, of the October Revolution and of the Red Banner.

In addition to the issue of the souvenir sheet, JSC Marka will produce First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow and Balashikha of the Moscow Region.

Design Artist: V. Beltykov.
Face value: 150 rubles.
Souvenir sheet size: 105×113 mm, stamp size in the souvenir sheet: 37×50 mm.
Quantity: 16 thousand souvenir sheets.

On June 25, a souvenir sheet dedicated to the 125th Birth Anniversary of Alexander Deineka, a People's Artist of the USSR, a Hero of Socialist Labor, will go into postal circulation

Alexander Deineka (1899–1969) was a Soviet painter, a muralist, a graphic artist, a sculptor, and a tutor. A. Deineka was an Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1945), a People's Artist of the RSFSR (1959) and a People's Artist of the USSR (1963).

In 1919-1920, he headed the art studio under the Kursk Political Department and of ROSTA Windows in Kursk. He was sent to Moscow to study at VKhUTEMAS (1920-1925). During those years, he created the first Soviet monumental historical-revolutionary painting The Defense of Petrograd (1928). In 1930, he painted posters Mechanizing Donbass, A Sportswoman; in 1931, he painted artworks different in their mood and themes On the Balcony, A Girl by the Window, The Interventionists’ Mercenary.

A new stage in the creative work of the artist began in 1932. The most significant work of this period is his painting The Mother (1932).

During the Great Patriotic War, he lived in Moscow and made political posters for the TASS Windows military-defense poster workshop. At that time, he created paintings The Outskirts of Moscow. November 1941 (1941), A Burnt Village (1942), Defense of Sevastopol (1942).

The significant works of the post-war time are the canvases The Relay Race on the Ring B (1947), Near the Sea. Fisherwomen (1956), In Sevastopol (1959), as well as mosaics for the pre-function of the assembly hall of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, a mosaic for the lounge of the Palace of Congresses in the Moscow Kremlin (1961). His mosaics decorate the Mayakovskaya (1938) and Novokuznetskaya metro stations (1943).

Alexander Deineka used to give classes at many Moscow universities. He was a Professor (1940), an Academician of the USSR Academy of Arts (1947), a member of the Artists’ Union of the USSR.

The postage stamp provides an image of painting by A. Deineka Future Pilots (1938, Sakhalin Regional Art Museum); the margins of the souvenir sheet feature a portrait of the painter against the background of his studio.

In addition to the issue of the souvenir sheet, JSC Marka will produce First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Kursk and Sevastopol, as well as illustrated covers for the souvenir sheet with a label and a First Day Cover with a cancel for Moscow inside and for the second emission type of the souvenir sheet: an imperforated souvenir sheet made on canvas-type design paper.

Design Artist: O. Savina.
Face value: 250 rubles.
Souvenir sheet size: 105×80 mm, stamp size in the souvenir sheet: 39.5×39.5 mm.
Quantity: 17 thousand souvenir sheets (the first emission type); 3.6 thousand souvenir sheets (the second emission type*).
* To be on sale as part of an illustrated cover.

On June 28, four stamps dedicated to modern military equipment will go into postal circulation in the Arms of Victory Series

The Ka-52M helicopter is a highly upgraded Russian attack helicopter based on the Ka-52 helicopter. The Ka-52M is equipped with signature control devices, an electronic defense system and instrumentation of active countermeasures. It has received an Arbalet millimeter-range forward-looking radar system, which enables it to detect obstacles and ground targets. The helicopter can takeoff and land in hot climate and high mountains, as well as in cold and icy conditions. The Ka-52M is also equipped with the latest LMUR missile

The Project 11356 frigate is a patrol ship designed to conduct combat operations in oceanic and sea areas independently and as a task force escort vessel. When designing the ship, architectural protection methods with stealth technology were employed, as well as measures to reduce acoustic visibility and protection against mass destruction weapons were implemented. The total power of the main propulsion machinery is 56,000 hp.

The Tiger-M multi-purpose armored vehicle combines the qualities of an all-terrain vehicle and a high-speed maneuverable vehicle. It is equipped with an independent torsion suspension, which allows it to reach the highest possible speeds when travelling over cross-country terrain. Standard equipment includes a central tire inflation system, which permits the driver to change tire pressure on the move depending on road conditions, an electric winch with 4,000-kg drive force and a filter-ventilation unit. Special design solutions ensure protection of personnel in case of detonation of 0.6 kg of explosive under the wheel and/or under the underbody of the armored vehicle.

TOS-2 Tosochka is a heavy flamethrower system designed for clearing buildings, underground shelters and field fortifications. It is mounted on a 6×6 three-axle wheeled chassis of the Ural-63704-0010 vehicle with an armored cab. It is a highly upgraded TOS-1A Solntsepek system. It has the following advantages: increased maneuverability and travel speed; a high damage level and rapid response owing to the introduction of an automatic fire control system; no need for a transporter-loader vehicle.

The postage stamps provide images of modern military equipment in service with the Army of the Russian Federation: a Ka-52M helicopter, a Project 11356 frigate, a Tiger-M multi-purpose vehicle and a TOS-2 Tosochka system.

In addition to the issue of the postage stamps, JSC Marka will produce First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Design Artist: R. Komsa.
Face value: 30 rubles.
Stamp size: 65×32.5 mm, sheet size and small sheet size: 157×160 mm.
Emission form: sheets with formatted margins with 8 (2×4) stamps and small sheet with 8 (2×4) stamps.
Quantity: 64 thousand each stamp (8 thousand each sheet); 12 thousand small sheets..

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