Friedrich Engels (1820–1895) was a German political figure, philosopher, historian, business person, one of the founders of Marxism and scientific communism, a friend and associate of Karl Marx as well as a co-author and editor of his writings.
F. Engels is one of the founders of materialistic understanding of history. In cooperation with K. Marx, he undertook a dialectical materialistic revision of the bourgeois political economy. His participation in the development of the Marxist doctrine about literature and art is great.
The stamp provides an image of a sculptural portrait of Friedrich Engels.
In addition to the emission of the postal stamp, JSC Marka will produce a First Day Cover and special cancels for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov and Engels of the Saratov Region.
Design Artist: S. Ulyanovsky.
Face value: 50 rubles.
Stamp size: 50×37 mm, sheet size: 170×177 mm.
Form of issue: sheet with illustrated margins of 12 (3×4) stamps.
Quantity: 132 thousand stamps (11 thousand sheets).
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