In 2020, the Gokhran of Russia celebrates its centenary. The Gokhran of Russia ensures functioning and replenishment of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation which comprises jewelry of high artistic merit, numismatic and faleristic heritage objects, unique natural gemstones, rare nuggets and readily marketable bars of precious metals. The Gokhran of Russia manages the work of the Diamond Fund exhibition in the Moscow Kremlin, and supports the creative activity of modern Russian masters of jewellery art and applied-and-decorative arts.
The stamp booklet comprises four sheets with stamps that provide images a Bow-Sklavazh, a Grand Bouquet, a Bracelet with a portrait diamond and a Spinel of the Great Imperial Crown, and 5 textual pages. The stamps are made using partial varnishing and embossing.
In addition to the emission of the postal stamps, JSC Marka will produce First Day Covers and special cancels for Moscow and St. Petersburg, , and publish an illustrated envelope and a stamp booklet.
The booklet envelope provides an image of the Brilliant Rose and the inner sheets contain stamps and description of the exhibits from the collection of the Gokhran of Russia.
Design Artist: A. Moskovets (postal stamps) and E. Plotnikova (booklet).
Face value of stamps: 50 rubles.
Booklet size: 160×150 mm.
Quantity: 3 thousand copies.
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