September 27, a postage stamp dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of the Degtyarev plant took place

The Degtyarev plant was founded during the First World War. August 27, 1916 the construction of the first buildings of the Kovrov machine-gun plant started (the Kovrov machine-gun plant was renamed the Degtyarev plant in 1949).

The establishment of the plant is connected with the name of outstanding Russian scientist Vladimir G. Fyodorov and his apprentice and assistant outstanding engineer Vasily A. Degtyaryov.

Nowadays, the Degtyarev plant manufactures the products the high level of which is well known and appreciated in many countries.

The Degtyarev plant is producing weapons for air, naval and ground forces for armies of 17 countries of the world.

The postage stamp features the stele “The Degtyarev plant workers for the Motherland. 1941–1945” against the front of building A of the Degtyarev plant.

Additionally, FSUE PTC “Marka” will manufacture a first day cover and a first day postmark for Moscow and Kovrov (the Vladimir Region).

Design: A. Povarihin.
Face value: 21.50 RUB.
Size of stamp: 37×37 mm, size of sheet: 131×131 mm.
Form of issue: sheet of 9 (3×3) stamps.
Circulation: 252,000 stamps (28,000 sheets).

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