The Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Marka” Publishing and Trading Centre supervised by the Federal Communications Agency has prepared the following products to be issued into circulation:
September 1, four postage stamps “History of the Russian Uniform. Communication Industry Employee Outfit”
In 17–18 centuries, regular post and through transportation was carried out by Yamskoy Prikaz (Coachman Prikaz), which was a body of the central public administration. It was headed by a boyar, whose staff consisted of a noble and clerks in the Boyar Duma, postmen and other officials.
To enable regular postal communication between Moscow and Arkhangelsk, Peter the Great issued a Decree in 1693 on Establishing a Domestic Postal Service which regulated the terms of mail handling, staff selection practices, responsibility for shipment safety as well as infrastructure and equipment of guesthouses. A special uniform was introduced for coachmen and postmen.
1711 saw the first post offices in Moscow, and in 1714 they appeared in Saint Petersburg. Later on post offices opened in many cities across Russia. The newly established post offices were governed by the Post Chancellery and Moscow Central Post Office. In 1884 г. post and telegraph departments were incorporated into the Post and Telegraph Administration within the Ministry of Interior of the Imperial Russia. That was when the job as a telephone and telegraph operator started.
In 1923 the People’s Commissariat for Posts and Telegraphs was set up which was renamed the USSR Ministry of Communications in 1946. May 12, 2008 the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation was founded. At present the Ministry acts as Russia’s postal administration and communication board at the international level.
The postage stamps depict:
— a clerk of the Yamskoy Prikaz and a postman (1671);
— a postman and an Huber-officer of the Post Chancellery (1767);— a postmaster and a telegraphist (1870);
— a postman and telephone operator (1950).
An illustrated cover is to be prepared for the release with four postage stamps and an FDC with cancellation (Moscow) inside.
Design: S. Ulyanovsky.
Face value: 15 RUB.
Size of stamps: 32.5×65 mm, size of stamp and miniature sheets: 154×154 mm.
Form of issue: sheets with illustrated margins of 8 (4×2) stamps, miniature sheets of 8 (4×2) stamps.
Circulation: 336 thousand stamps of each value (42 thousand sheets), 60 thousand miniature sheets.
September 1, an envelope with a commemorative stamp in the “World Cultural Celebrities” series is to be released into circulation for the 225th birth anniversary of James F. Cooper (1789–1851)
James Fenimore Cooper was an American novelist of classic adventure fiction.
He became world-famous for his series of novels featuring the main hero – Natty Bumppo, a hunter also known as the Deerslayer, Pathfinder, Hawkeye, Leatherstocking, Long Rifle. James F. Cooper depicted the struggle of the European settlers against the American Indians: Pioneers (1823), The Last of the Mohicans (1826), The Prairie (1827), The Pathfinder, or the Inland Sea (1840), The Deerslayer (1841).
The envelope with a commemorative stamp depicts a composition of various arts symbols; James F. Cooper’s portrait against his books in the background.
Design: R. Komsa (stamp), A. Povarikhin (illustration).
Face value: letter “A”.
Circulation: 1 million.
September 3, a postage stamp “450th Anniversary of Book-Printing in Russia” is to be released into circulation
Printing was a major achievement of the Russian culture in the 16th century.
The establishment of the State Print Yard was entrusted to Ivan Fedorov, a luminary in the Russian printing. Together with his assistant Pyotr Mstislavets he published his fist book Apostolosl on March 1, 1564. It was Russia’s first dated edition with illustrations and imprint. In 1565 another liturgical book was published – Book of Hours.
The books by Ivan Fedorov were distinguished by excellent illustration technique and art work.
The postage stamp depicts a spreadsheet of Apostolos (1564) which is kept in the Russian State Public Historical Library.
An illustrated cover is to be prepared for the release with four postage stamps and an FDC with cancellation (Moscow) inside.
Design: А. Fedulov (stamp).
Design of sheet margins: A. Ilyina.
Face value: 15 RUB.
Size of stamp: 50×37 mm, size of sheet: 170×168 mm.
Form of issue: a sheet with illustrated margins of 12 (3×4) stamps.
Circulation: 360 thousand stamps (30 thousand sheets).
September 4, a postal card with a commemorative stamp “300th Anniversary of the City of Sestroretsk” is to be released into circulation
Sestroretsk is a municipal town in Kurortny District of Saint Petersburg and a seaside climatic resort on the northern shores of the Gulf of Finland.
The town is named after the Sestra River. It is here that Peter the Great ordered to build a summer residence with a garden as well as a munitions factory in 1714.
After the construction of the Primorskaya Railway in 1893, Sestroretsk became the largest recreation resort on the shores of the Gulf of Finland.
Sestroretsk received city status on June 16, 1925.
The postal card with a commemorative stamp depicts Sestroretsk coat of arms and Saint Peter and Paul Church (laid down on June 4, 2004 to commemorate Russian submariners).
Design: S. Ulyanovsky.
Face value: letter “B”.
Circulation: 12 thousand.
September 4, a postal card with a commemorative stamp “Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS) is to be released into circulation

On September 1, 1904 Saint Petersburg Telegraph Agency was established. It was the first official information agency.
On July, 1925 the Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS) was created by a decree of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union, which became the central information body of the country. TASS had the exclusive right to distribute news outside the USSR.
In January 1992, the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia was established. The TASS abbreviation was preserved as an internationally recognized and reputed brand. That is how ITAR-TASS started.
ITAR-TASS – a leding state information agency of Russia and a legend of the national news reporting. 74 overseas bureaus and 48 regional offices and press centres across Russia enable the Agency to rapidly report news from any spot of the Earth.
The postal card with a commemorative stamp depicts the ITAR-TASS logo with the globe in the background, and a photograph of a Sibir match factory worker listening to the radio. Tomsk. 1929. TASS photo reports.
Design: А. Drobyshev.
Face value: letter “B”.
Circuation: 12 thousand.
September 5, a souvenir sheet with one stamp “World Cultural Heritage of Russia. Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoe”
The Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye is a masterpiece of the world architecture and the first Orthodox stone tent-shaped church built in Russia. It was erected on the right bank of the Moscow River in the Kolomenskoye village in 1528-1532 by Italian architects.
The design of the building which is 62 m high is centre-oriented. The interior is small but seems rather spacious due to the absence of columns and pillars. The church was created as a symbol of power of Moscow Grand Dukes.
The Church of the Ascension has undergone several reconstructions, with the last one finished in 2007. The church was included in the conservation area of the Kolomenskoye Museum in Soviet times and the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List in 1994.
The souvenir sheet depicts the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with the souvenir sheet and an FDC with cancellation (Moscow) inside.
Design: А. Moskovets.
Face value: 45 RUB.
Size of souvenir sheet: 71×85 mm (maximum width and length), size of stamp in the sheet: 30×42 mm.
Circulation: 75 thousand souvenir sheets.
September 10, a postal card with a commemorative stamp “275th Birth Anniversary of Field Marshal General G.A. Potemkin (1739–1791), Russian Statesman and Military Leader”
Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin was the Prince Tavricheskiy, Field Marshal General and a Russian statesman and military leader.
In 1776 G. Potemkin was assigned Governor General of Novorossiya, Azov and Astrakhan provinces. During his governorship a number of cities were founded: Sevastopol, Kherson, Yekaterinoslav, Nikolayev, as well as other towns, shipyards, plants and factories.
In 1783 G. Potemkin joined the Crimea to the Russian Empire, for which he was granted the title of the Prince Tavricheskiy. He was promoted to Field Marshal General and the President of the College of War in 1784.
As Russia’s commander-in-chief, he effected a series of reforms: a new military uniform was introduced, he changed manning and equipping, demanded of the officers more humane treatment of solders and put an end to corporal punishment.
During the Russo-Turkish war of 1787–1791 G. Potemkin was the commander-in-chief of the land forces in the south of Russia and of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
The postcard depicts G. Potemkin’s portrait against the Slava Ekateriny (The Glory of Catherine) battleship, which was renamed Preobrazhenie Gospodne (The Transfiguration) in 1788. There is also an engraving The Siege of Ochakov on the postcard, the State Russian Museum.
Design: А. Povarikhin.
Face value: letter “B”.
Circulation: 13 thousand.
September 16, a souvenir sheet with one stamp “700th Birth Anniversary of Venerable Sergius of Radonezh (approx. 1314–1392)”
Sergius of Radonezh (baptized at birth Bartholomew) was a Russian monk, the founder of the Trinity Monastery near Moscow (now the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra); he is a highly venerated saint and greatest man of faith of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Together with his disciples he founded over 30 monasteries, which became the stronghold for developing agriculture in the desolate lands in the north of the Volga Region.
The Venerable Sergius of Radonezh contributed greatly not only to church but to the state development also. Before the famous Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, Dmitry Donskoy, the Prince of Moscow, came to him for blessing; and on September 3, 1380 the Russian army won a decisive victory over the Tatars in the Kulikovo Field, which marked the beginning of liberation of Rus’ from the Tartar-Mongol Yoke.
The souvenir sheet depicts a sacred procession headed by the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh aginst the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, there is a flock of birds in the sky (Sergius’s followers and disciples). Among historical figures are (from left to right): the Grand Prince Dmitry Donskoy, the legendary monk and combat Alexander Peresvet; there are also modern Orthodox believers carrying lit candles.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with a souvenir sheet and FDCs with cancellation (Sergiev Posad, Moscow Oblast) inside.
Design: S. Ulyanovsky.
Face value: 70 RUB.
Size of sheet: 140×80 mm, size of stamp in the souvenir sheet: 50×37 mm.
Circulation: 85 thousand souvenir sheets.
September 18, a postage stamp “The Main Centre for Special Communications” is to be released into circulation

The service started in 1939 when a special unit of the People’s Commissariat for Communications was formed out of the State Courier Service of the USSR People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs, with the task to carry out secret correspondence and precious metals.
Almost 50 years later, after several renamings, the service was transformed into the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “The Main Centre for Special Communications”.
At present along with its major objective the enterprise provides services in the field of reception, procession, storage and delivery of various consignments across Russia, the Commonwealth of Impendent States and overseas.
The postage stamp depicts the logo of the Main Centre for Special Communications and branded vehicles against the building of the enterprise.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with a postage stamp and FDC with cancellation (Moscow) inside.
Design: A. Drobyshev.
Face value: 18 RUB.
Size of stamp: 42×30 mm, size of the sheet: 146×170 mm.
Form of issue: 1 stamp, a sheet of 15 (3×5) stamps.
Circulation: 375 thousand stamps (25 thousand sheets).
September 19, a postal card with a commemorative stamp “100th Birth Anniversary of Yu.B. Levitan (1914–1983), radio announcer, People’s Artist of the USSR” is to be released into circulation

Yuri Borisovich Levitan was a Soviet radio announcer of the USSR State Committee of the Council of Ministers; his voice had a rare quality and expressiveness.
During the Great Patriotic War Yuri Levitan announced battlefield victories and orders of Joseph Stalin, the supreme commander-in-chief. He was entrusted with the announcement of Germany’s unconditional surrender and of the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War.
After the war Yuri Levitan reported state proclamations, events on Red Square and at the Kremlin Congress Palace; he also recorded sound tracks for films.
In 1965–1983 he announced the annual “Minute of Silence” and broadcasted the programme “Veterans are Speaking and Writing” on the radio.
The postcard with a commemorative stamp depicts Yuri Levitan’s portrait and a scene of the radiobroadcast by the announcer about the German surrender and the USSR Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Design: О. Parfyonova.
Face value: letter “B”.
Circulation: 12 thousand.
September 29, an envelope with a commemorative stamp “100th Birth Anniversary of D.F. Lavrinenko (1914–1941), Tank Ace, Hero of the Soviet Union”
Dmitry Fyodorovich Lavrinenko was a Soviet officer, tank commander, Hero of the Soviet Union (1990).
In 1934 he voluntarily joined the Red Army. A year later he entered Ulyanovsk Tank Training School and graduated as a junior lieutenant in 1938.
Dmitry Lavrinenko was a tank squad commander in the 15th Tank Division when the Great Patriotic War began. Within the period of two and a half months, D. Lavrinenko participated in 28 battles and destroyed 52 enemy tanks, thus becoming the highest scoring tank ace of the Red Army in World War II.
His last battle Dmitry Lavrinenko fought on December 18, 1941 near Volokolamsk. By attacking the enemy who had sliced through defense, he destroyed his 52nd tank, two antitank guns and about fifty Nazis. The same day after the battle senior lieutenant D. Lavrinenko was killed by a mortar shell.
On May 5, 1990 Lavrinenko was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
The envelope with a commemorative stamp depicts D. Lavrinenko’s portrait, a Gold Star medal and a tank battle scene.
Design: S. Ulyanovsky.
Face value: letter “A”.
Circulation: 1 million.
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