Sadko is a vessel of the tugboat series designed to provide port, salvage and environmental protection services. The vessel is named after a Russian epical hero – Sadko.
The tugs are modern, highly manoeuvrable, ice-class vessels, equipped with Azimuth thrusters, bow and stern towing winches and an external fire fighting system. They are capable of escorting large capacity tankers. The vessels meet all the contemporary international requirements in the field of safety of navigation and protection of maritime environment. The tugs are designed to ensure tanker operation safety in the ports of North-West of Russia.
Today the vessels in the Vitus Bering series are some of the world best in their class. The hulls of these ships have been specially designed for navigating in challenging icy conditions. Their design and onboard facilities make it possible to supply all necessary equipment and consumables to personnel on oil platforms on a year-round basis.
Vessels in the Vitus Bering series are engaged in operations in Russia’s Far Eastern seas. This region is a hotspot for offshore oil and gas development. Icebreaking supply vessels like Vitus Bering ensure uninterrupted operations on oil platforms in the Arkutun-Dagi field in the Sea of Okhotsk as part of the Sakhalin-I project.
The postage stamps depict Vitus Bering multifunctional icebreaker and Sadko tug vessel.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with two postage stamps and FDCs with cancellation (Moscow) inside.
Design: А. Drobyshev.
Face value: 15 RUB.
Size of stamps: 50×37 mm, size of sheets: 124×209 mm.
Form of issue: sheets with illustrated margins of 8 (2×5) stamps and a dual coupon.
Circulation: 296 thousand stamps of each value (37 thousand sheets).
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