An international competition "Tank biathlon - 2014" was started on the Alabino polygon in the Moscow region.
Twelve teams from Russia, Angola, Armenia, Belarus, Venezuela, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Kuwait, Mongolia and Serbia are participating in the competitions.
In Tank biathlon, as in the classical, provided the holding of four stages - the individual race, sprint, pursuit and relay.
Tanks are painted in camouflage colors with a predominance of yellow, red, blue and green colors. According to a draw colors of tanks were spread between the teams as follows:
red tanks - Russia, Mongolia, Venezuela;
yellow tanks - Angola, Kuwait, India;
blue tanks - Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus;
green tanks - Serbia, China and Kyrgyzstan.
Three races for tanks of different colors will be held daily. According to the results of the draw the Russian crew will be in one race with teams of China, the Republic of Armenia and the State of Kuwait.
The championship will last for two weeks, until August 16, 2014.
The Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Marka” Publishing and Trading Centre supervised by the Federal Communications Agency prepared and released a postal card "Tank biathlon - 2014". A postal card depicts four tanks in yellow, red, blue and green colors.

Design: A. Drobyshev.
Circulation: 7 thousand postal cards.
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