The Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Marka” Publishing and Trading Centre supervised by the Federal Communications Agency has prepared the following products to be issued:
A cancellation ceremony of a souvenir sheet dedicated “The 300th anniversary of Maritime Battle of Gangut” was held in the concert hall “Alexander”
August 1, the award ceremony of the VI International competition of professional skill of military between servicemen of friendly armies “Warrior of the Commonwealth” was held in the concert hall “Alexander” in Moscow.
The participants of a cancellation ceremony of a souvenir sheet dedicated “The 300th anniversary of Maritime Battle of Gangut” were Vladimir Shelikhov, Deputy Head of the Federal Communications Agency; Nikolay Pankov, State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation.
“Today we are releasing a souvenir sheet, which gives us an opportunity to talk about the valor of Russian soldiers, decisive actions and high morale of Russian soldiers, sailors and officers once again”, - said Vladimir Shelikhov.
The souvenir sheet depicts the engraving of M. Bakua “A Battle near Gangut July 27, 1714” (1722-1724) from the Hermitage collection. An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with a souvenir sheet and an FDC with cancellation (Moscow, St. Petersburg) inside.
Design: A. Povarihin.
Face value: 50 RUB
Size of sheet: 97 × 73 mm, size of stamp in the souvenir sheet: 65 × 32,5 mm.
Circulation: 75 thousand souvenir sheets.
August 1, four stamps in the series “Fauna of Russia. Wild Cats” are to be released into circulation
Wild cats are carnivorous mammals, distributed in almost all continents and large islands. They live on the ground, mainly in forests, deserts, savannas and mountains up to their upper altitudinal zone. Some wild cats climb trees and swim perfectly. The cat family comprises some excellent runners including the cheetah, the world’s fastest ground animal.
All wild cat species have become rare and are under protection nowadays, with more than half of them included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with four stamps and an FDC with cancellation (Moscow, St. Petersburg) inside.
Design: R. Komsa.
Face value: 15 RUB; 16 RUB; 17 RUB; 18 RUB
Size of stamp: 65 × 32,5 mm, size of sheet: 154 × 154 mm.
Form of issue: sheet with illustrated margins of 8 (2 × 4) stamps.
Circulation: 104 thousand stamps of each scene (52 thousand sheets).
August 8, four stamps in the series “The Medals. The 70th Anniversary of the Victory in the World War II 1941-1945” is to be released into circulation

The award medals were established for the defense of the Soviet cities and areas where the enemy has suffered particularly heavy losses. All active participants of these events were awarded this medal. From the first minutes of the World War II, Soviet soldiers bravely met the enemy in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, Stalingrad, Sevastopol, Odessa, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Brest Fortress, Tula, Murmansk, Smolensk. The rare title Hero City or Hero Fortress were bestowed on these cities after the war. And the soldiers-participants were awarded the Gold Star Medal.
The stamps depict the medals “For the Defense of Odessa”, “For the defense of the Caucasus”, “For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic”, “For the defense of Kiev”.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with eight stamps and an FDC with cancellation (Moscow) inside.
Design: A. Moskovets.
Face value: 25 RUB
Size of stamps: 32,5 × 65 mm size of sheet: 150 × 150 mm.
Form of issue: sheet with illustrated margins with 7 (4 × 2) stamps and a coupon.
Circulation: 280 thousand stamps for each theme (40 thousand sheets).
August 15, a postcard with commemorative stamp "The 300th Foundation Anniversary of the Library of the Academy of Sciences"

The library of the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in 1714 as the first state public library in Russia by the order of Peter the Great. Library funds were multilingual and universal. Manuscripts and books of the royal library of the Kremlin in Moscow, the personal collection of Peter the Great in the Summer Palace, Gottorp library of the Duke of Holstein, Mitavskaya library of the Duke of Courland, and book and manuscript collections of associates of Peter the Great were the foundation of the Library of the Russian Academy of Science.
For nearly three hundred years the Library of the Russian Academy of Science, fulfilling its mission, collects, preserves and provides use of a universal collection of documents on Russian and foreign languages, reflecting the research and studies in all areas of knowledge of all countries and peoples for the scientific community.
Currently, the library contains more than 19 million books.
A postcard with commemorative stamp depicts the anniversary logo “300 years of The library of the Russian Academy of Sciences” and rare books from the library.
Design: A. Povarihin.
Face value: letter "B".
Circulation: 12 thousand postcards.
August 18, an envelope with commemorative stamp “The 300th Anniversary of Foundation of the Kunstkammer” is to be released into circulation
Cabinet of Curiosities is the first Russian museum, established on the basis of personal collections of Emperor Peter I. There are anatomical and biological rarity, art, rare books, archaeological finds among the exhibits.
Kunstkammer, build from 1718 to 1734, is one of the few well-preserved monuments of architecture of the first quarter of XVIII century.
Nowadays, in the halls of the museum, in addition to anthropological and ethnographic collections are exhibited items that were in the Kunstkammer were in the time of Peter the Great. In the premises of the tower is a museumof Mikhail Lomonosov. The famous Gottorp Globe, renovated after a fire in 1747, is an exhibit of this museam.
An envelope with the commemorative stamp depicts the emblem of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnographynamed after Peter the Great (Kunstkammer), and an armillary sphere on the museum building.
Design: A. Povarikhin.
Face value: letter "A".
Circulation: 1,000,000 envelopes.
August 18, a postcard with commemorative stamp “The 200th Birth Anniversary of Alexander Stieglitz (1814-1884), philanthropist” is to be released into circulation
Alexander von Stieglitz - Baron, the largest financier, banker, industrialist and philanthropist.
In 1846, Alexander Stieglitz was elected the chairman of the Exchange's committee. He participated in all major operations of the Russian Government in the domestic and foreign markets. Through the banking house of Baron The Russian government maintains relations with banking houses of Amsterdam, London and Paris. In 1848, Alexander Stieglitz became a member of the Commercial Council of the Ministry of Finance, and managed by the State Bank from 1860 to 1866.
Stieglitz studied different types of philanthropic activities, including the construction of the private railway from St. Petersburg to Peterhof, and “Peterhof Station” (architect A.I. Krakau). The station received its present name “Baltic Station” in 1872.
Baron Stieglitz received a number of high awards and prizes for his work in the public service. The Order of St. Stanislaus, 3rd degree; the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree; and the Order of St. Anne, 2nd degree are in the list of his awards.
A postcard with a commemorative stamp depicts a portrait of AL Stieglitz and the Baltic Railway Station, which was built with funds of Alexander Stieglitz in 1857.
Design: A. Moskovets.
Face value: letter "B".
Circulation: 12 thousand postcards.
August 26, two postage stamps in the “Russian Marine Fleet” series are to be released into circulation
Sadko is a vessel of the tugboat series designed to provide port, salvage and environmental protection services. The vessel is named after a Russian epical hero – Sadko.
The tugs are modern, highly maneuverable, ice-class vessels, equipped with Azimuth thrusters, bow and stern towing winches and an external fire fighting system. They are capable of escorting large capacity tankers. The vessels meet all the contemporary international requirements in the field of safety of navigation and protection of maritime environment. The tugs are designed to ensure tanker operation safety in the ports of North-West of Russia.
Today the vessels in the Vitus Bering series are some of the world best in their class. The hulls of these ships have been specially designed for navigating in challenging icy conditions. Their design and onboard facilities make it possible to supply all necessary equipment and consumables to personnel on oil platforms on a year-round basis.
Vessels in the Vitus Bering series are engaged in operations in Russia’s Far Eastern seas. This region is a hotspot for offshore oil and gas development. Icebreaking supply vessels like Vitus Bering ensure uninterrupted operations on oil platforms in the Arkutun-Dagi field in the Sea of Okhotsk as part of the Sakhalin-I project.
The postage stamps depict Vitus Bering multifunctional icebreaker and Sadko tug vessel.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with two postage stamps and FDCs with cancellation (Moscow) inside.
Design: А. Drobyshev.
Face value: 15 RUB.
Size of stamps: 50×37 mm, size of sheets: 124×209 mm.
Form of issue: sheets with illustrated margins of 8 (2×5) stamps and a dual coupon.
Circulation: 296 thousand stamps of each value (37 thousand sheets).
August 28, six stamps in the series “City of Military Glory” are to be released into circulation

Anapa is a town in Krasnodar Region, Russia, located on the northern coast of the Black Sea near the Sea of Azov.
A stamp depicts a cartouche dedicated to combat exploits of Soviet troops near the city of Anapa, with a seaplane Chye-2, 45-mm anti-aircraft gun (21-K), and chaser PC-125 (SKA-065).
Vladivostok is a city and the administrative center of Primorsky Krai, Russia, located at the head of the Golden Horn Bay, not far from Russia's borders with China and North Korea. The city is the home port of the Russian Pacific Fleet and the largest Russian port on the Pacific Ocean.
A stamp depicts a cartouche dedicated to combat exploits of Soviet troops in Vladivostok with training aircraft UT-2, BAI armored car, a patrol ship “Red pennant”.
Kovrov is a city in Vladimir Oblast, Russia, located on the right bank of the Klyazma River. An important railway junction on the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod.
A stamp depicts a cartouche dedicated to combat exploits of Soviet troops near the city of Kovrov, with the machine gun Degtyarev, a 12.7 mm machine gun DShK, the self-propelled gun SU - 76 I.
Kolpino is a municipal city in Kolpinsky District of the federal city of St. Petersburg, Russia, located on the Izhora River, southeast of St. Petersburg proper. The main enterprise of the city is Izhora Factory, which produced tanks, armored vehicles, ammunition, armored covers, and etc during the World War II.
A stamp depicts a cartouche dedicated to combat exploits of Soviet troops in Kolpino, with a twin-engine dive bomber AP - 2, 76 mm regimental cannon 52-P-353 sample 1927, flame tank OT-34.
Stary Oskol is a city in Belgorod Oblast, Russia. Within the framework of administrative divisions, Stary Oskol serves as the administrative center of Starooskolsky District, even though it is not a part of it.
A stamp depicts a cartouche dedicated to combat exploits of Soviet troops near the city of Stary Oskol, with Bomber DB-3F, 50 mm mortar of the sample of 1940, light amphibious tank T-40.
Tikhvin is a town and the administrative center of Tikhvinsky District in Leningrad Oblast, Russia, located on both banks of the Tikhvinka River in the east of the oblast, 200 kilometers east of St. Petersburg. Tikhvin is also an industrial and cultural center of the district, as well as its transportation hub.
A stamp depicts a cartouche dedicated to combat exploits of Soviet troops near the city of Tikhvin, with the bomber Pe-8 (TB-7), howitzer B-4 (caterpillar), motorized armed railcar BIE-2 model 1936.
An FDC with cancellation (Moscow; Anapa, Krasnodar Region; Vladivostok; Kovrov, Vladimir region; Kolpino, Leningrad Region; Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region; Tikhvin, Leningrad Region) has been prepared for the release.
Design: V. Beltiukov.
Face value: 20 RUB
Size of stamp: 37 × 37 mm, size of sheet: 125 × 88 mm.
Form of issue: stamp sheet of 6 (3 × 2) stamps.
Circulation: 75 thousand stamps of each scene (75 thousand sheets).
August 28, will issue a stamp in a joint release between Russia and Mongolia "75 Years of Victory of the Soviet-Mongolian troops over the Japanese aggressors on the Khalkhin Gol"

Battles of Khalkhin Gol - unannounced local armed conflict, which lasted from spring to autumn 1939 between the USSR and the Mongolian People's Republic on the one hand and the Empire of Japan and Manchukuo on the other hand. The beginning of the conflict was the Japan's demands for recognition of Khalkhin Gol river as a boundary between the puppet state of Manchukuo and Mongolia.
The final battle took place in late August 1939, and ended with a complete defeat of the 6th Separate Japanese Army. September 15, 1939 between the USSR and the Mongolian People's Republic on the one hand and Japan on the other hand, an agreement on cessation of hostilities was signed.
The defeat of the Japanese army had a serious impact on the country's foreign policy stance, becoming one of the factors to keep Japan from speaking out against the Soviet Union during the World War II.
The stamp depicts a medal “Khalkhin Gol”.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with a stamp of the Russian Federation, a stamp of Mongolia and FDC with cancellation (Moscow) inside.
Design: R. Komsa.
Face value: 15 RUB
Size of stamp: 37 × 37 mm, size of sheet: 131 × 131 mm.
Form of issue: sheet with illustrated margins of 9 (3x3) stamps.
Circulation: 279 thousand stamps (31 thousand stamp sheets).
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