The Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Marka” Publishing and Trading Centre supervised by the Federal Communications Agency has prepared the following products to be issued:
On June 2, a postal card with an original stamp “150th Birth Anniversary of S.V. Ivanov (1864 – 1910), Artist and Illustrator” is to be released into circulation

Design: R. Komsa.
Face value: letter “В”.
Circulation: 12 thousand.
On June 4, a postage stamp “Consent Tower in Magas. Historic-Cultural Monument” is to be released into circulation

FDCs with cancellation (Moscow, Magas) have been prepared for the release.
Design: А. Drobyshev.
Face value: 15 RUB.
Size of stamp: 37×37 mm (diamond-shaped), size of sheet: 131×131 mm.
Form of issue: a sheet of 9 (3×3) stamps.
Circulation: 288 thousand stamps (32 thousand sheets).
On June 10 a souvenir sheet with one stamp “300th Anniversary of the Saint Petersburg Post Office”

An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with a souvenir sheet and FDCs with cancellation (Moscow and Saint Petersburg) inside.
Design: О. Ivanova.
Face value: 50 RUB.
Size of souvenir sheet: 118×81 mm, stamp diameter in s/s: 33 mm.
Form of issue: a souvenir sheet with a circular stamp.
Circulation: 75 thousand s/s.
On June 19, an envelope with an original stamp “150th Birth Anniversary of M.E. Pyatnitskiy (1864 – 1927), Gatherer and Performer of Russian Folk Songs, Founder of the Russian Folk Choir” is to be released into circulation

Design: А. Povarikhin.
Face value: letter “A”.
Circulation: 1 million.
On June 20, a souvenir sheet with one stamp “250th Anniversary of the State Hermitage” is to be released into circulation

An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with a souvenir sheet and FDCs with cancellation (Moscow and Saint Petersburg) inside.
Design: S. Ulyanovsky.
Face value: 50 RUB.
Size of souvenir sheet: 134×81 mm, size of stamp in s/s: 65×32.5 mm.
Form of issue: a souvenir sheet with one stamp.
Circulation: 75 thousand s/s.
On June 24, a postage stamp “Sergiyev Posad Coat of Arms” is to be issued into circulation

FDCs with cancellation (Moscow and Sergiyev Posad) have been prepared for the release.
Design: A. Povarikhin.
Face value: 10.50 RUB.
Size of stamp: 18.5×26 mm, size of sheet: 107×166 mm.
Form of issue: a sheet of 30 (5×6) stamps.
Circulation: 1 million 20 thousand stamps.
On June 26, a postage stamp “100th Anniversary of the Barrikady Factory” is to be released into circulation

FDCs with cancellation (Moscow and Volgograd) have been prepared for the release.
Design: А. Povarikhin.
Face value: 15 RUB.
Size of stamp: 37×37 mm, size of sheet: 131×131 mm.
Form of issue: a sheet of 9 (3×3) stamps.
Circulation: 270 thousand stamps (30 thousand sheets).
On June 27, a postage stamp is to be released into circulation “100th Birth Anniversary of V.N. Chelomey (1914–1984), Scientist”

A FDC with cancellation (Moscow) has been prepared for the release.
Design: A. Povarikhin.
Face value: 15 RUB.
Size of stamp: 42×30, size of sheet: 142×166 mm.
Form of issue: a sheet of 15 (3×5) stamps.
Circulation: 420 thousand stamps (28 thousand sheets).
On June 27, a postage stamp “100th Anniversary of the Union between Russia and Tuva” is to be released into circulation

FDCs with cancellation (Moscow and Кyzyl) have been prepared for the release.
Design: R. Komsa.
Face value: 15 RUB.
Size of stamp: 37×37 mm (diamond-shaped), size of sheet: 131×131 mm.
Form of issue: a sheet of 9 (3×3) stamps.
Circulation: 279 thousand stamps (31 thousand sheets).
On June 27, a postal card with an original stamp “100th Birth Anniversary of P.M. Aleynikov (1914–1965), Cinema Actor”

Design: R. Komsa.
Face value: letter “B”.
Circulation: 12 thousand.
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