FSUE Marka Publishing and Trading Centre supervised by the Federal Communications Agency prepared for release into circulation the following products:
April 9, EWCS dedicated to the 450th birth anniversary of William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poet, in the series "The World Culture" is to be released into circulation
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) - English poet, influenced on the development of theater. Stage works of Shakespeare are still on the World’s Stage.
The heyday of the poet (1590-1594) is characterized by the early chronicles “Henry VI”, “Richard III”, a tragedy “Titus Andronicus”.
The second Shakespeare’s creative period accounts for 1595-1600. It includes the romantic comedy “The Two Gentlemen of Verona”, “Midsummer Night's Dream”, and also the first mature tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”.
In the third (1600-1608) creative period Shakespeare composed tragedies primarily. It is “Julius Caesar”, “Hamlet”. The pinnacle of the tragedy became “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth”, “Antony and Cleopatra”.
The works of his last period (1609-1613) are “Cymbeline”, “The Winter's Tale”, The Tempest."
After the death of William Shakespeare his friends had prepared the first complete edition of his works, which included 36 plays.
The envelope with commemorative stamp depicts the composition of the symbols of different areas of art: the lyre, palettes, books, pens, columns of the theater curtain; Portrait of William Shakespeare opposite the manuscript with the names of his works and the medieval landscape are in the background.
Design: A. Sukhinin.
Appearance: A. Yakovlev.
Face value: letter "A".
Circulation: 1 million.
April 18, in a joint release of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus a souvenir sheet "70 years of the Liberation of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine from Fascist Invaders" is to be released into circulation
This year is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine from fascist invaders. In 1942-1943 Soviet troops had a significant victory in the defense of Stalingrad, the North Caucasus and Kursk battles. In the autumn of 1943 the Red Army began the liberation of Ukraine territories. The liberation was continued with forcing of the Dnieper and the occupation of important USSR areas. The "Bagration" operation played a significant role in the war. Because of it the Soviet army managed to expel the enemy from Belarus, Estonia, and Lithuania. As a result, by the end of 1944 the USSR territory was liberated from the fascist invaders.
At the souvenir sheets depicted civilians greeting the soldiers of the Red Army.
The illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with the souvenir sheet of the Russian Federation, the souvenir sheet of the Republic of Belarus, and first day covers with quicklime (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg).
Design: S. Ulyanovskiy.
Face value: 50 RUB
Size of souvenir sheet: 148 × 70 mm; size of stamp in the sheet: 58 × 26 mm.
Circulation: 85 thousand sheets.
April 18th, to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the World War II of 1941-1945 four stamps in the series "History of Aviation. Air Rams" are prepared for release into circulation
Ekaterina Zelenko (1916-1941) - the world's first female pilot, committed the air ram. Senior Lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union, she was also awarded the Order of the Red Banner. She served in the 19th Light Bomber Brigade stationed in Kharkov. Being the deputy commander of the squadron, from the first day of the war she had been participated in the fighting. She had made 40 sorties at all.
Boris Kovzan (1922-1985) - the only Soviet pilot, who had made four air rams. Captain Kovzan was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union for courage and bravery shown in combat with the enemy by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from the 24th of August 1943. During the war, he made 360 sorties, conducted 127 aerial combat, shot down 28 German planes.
Alexey Khlobystov (1918-1943) - Hero of the Soviet Union, was awarded the Order of Lenin and two Orders of the Red Banner. April 8, 1942 in a group combat he had shot down three enemy planes: one by machine-gun fire, two by applying ram. After that he was able to land the plane on the native airfield. He flew 335 combat sorties, shot down 7 enemy aircraft in person and 24 in group combat.
Peter Eremeyev (1911-1941) - Deputy Commander of Squadron Regiment Moscow Defense Zone, lieutenant, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Hero of Russia since 1995. Peter Eremeyev controlling the fighter aircraft MiG-3 made a night ram for the first time in the history of World War II on the night of July 29, 1941.
The postage stamps depict:
- The portrait of Peter Eremeev. The soviet aircraft MiG-3 makes ramming enemy bombers in the background;
- The portrait of Ekaterina Zelenko. The Soviet air combat aircraft Su-2 against German fighters is in the background;
- The portrait of Boris Kovzan. Air combat fighter La-5 against German bombers is in the background;
- The portrait of Alexey Hlobystov. The fighter aircraft R-40 makes ramming enemy bombers in the background.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with four stamps, a miniature sheet, and an FDC with concellation (Moscow).
Design: V. Beltiukov.
Face value: 15 RUB
Size of stamps: 65 × 32,5 mm, size of souvenir sheet: 156 x 159 mm, size of miniature sheet: 156 x 159 mm.
Form of issue: sheets with illustrated margins (2 x 4) with 7 stamps and coupon, miniature sheet with 8 (2 x 4) stamps.
Circulation: 280 thousand stamps for each theme (40 thousand sheets of each stamp; 60 thousand of miniature sheets).
April 23, EWCS “100th birth anniversary of Mark Fradkin (1914-1990), composer” is to be released into circulation
Mark Fradkin (1914-1990) - Soviet composer, author of many popular songs and music for films in the middle of the XX century.
Songs written by Fradkin inherent good citizenship, diversity of themes, soulful lyricism. Music differs with relaxed, rhythmic richness, and with a combination of lyrical chant. The composer draws on folk origins in his works.
There are a lot of famous songs of Fradkin, for example: "And the years pass," "Birches," "Bryansk street", and etc. Mark Fradkin was the laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1979). People's Artist of the USSR (1985).
The envelope is with the commemorative stamp. There is the portrait of Mark Fradkin on the stamp; the main image is the composer at the piano.
Design: R. Komsa.
Face value: letter "A".
Circulation: 1 million copies.
April 25, the souvenir sheet “XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi” with overprinted text in the margins is to be released into circulation
The closing ceremony of the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi took place February 23, 2014
Russian national team took the 1st place according to the results of Olympic Winter Games in Sochi. In order to promote the victories of our sportsmen, and given the importance of the event, it is made the overlay text in the margins of souvenir sheet dedicated to the Olimpic Games: "At the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi, Russia took the first place in the team standings, winning 13 gold , 11 silver, and 9 bronze medals".
Design: A. Drobyshev.
Face value: 25, 50, 75 RUB
Size of souvenir sheet: 136 x 80 mm; size of stamp in the sheet: 37 x 26 mm; 26 x 37 mm.
Circulation: 50 thousand souvenir sheets.

Also, April 25, souvenir sheet "Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi" overprinted text in the margins: “Russia has set an absolute record in the team event at the Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi. It is conquered 30 gold, 28 silver, and 22 bronze medals”.
Design: A. Drobyshev.
Face value: 25, 50, 75 RUB
Size of souvenir sheet: 136 x 80 mm; size of stamp in the sheet: 37 x 26 mm; 26 x 37 mm.
Circulation: 50 thousand souvenir sheets.
April 25, to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the World War II of 1941-1945 four stamps and stamp booklets are to be issued in the series “Weapons of Victory. Artillery”
45-mm antitank gun (53-K) became the basis of anti-tank artillery of the Red Army in the initial period of the World War II. The gun design consisted of two main parts: the barrel with the bolt and the mast. Compact design and low gun shield cover ensures its stealth on the battlefield. The gun was designed to fight tanks, self-propelled guns and armored vehicles of the enemy. 53-K, being armed with fragmentation shells and grape-shot, was able to fight against the firing points with light covers, as well as with cavalry and infantry in the open area.
85-mm anti-aircraft gun (52-K) is considered a major anti-aircraft gun during the World War II. The gun was designed to combat aircraft, firing at air assault, living ground targets, and enemy firing points, and also successfully applied for the destruction of enemy tanks. K-52 guns provided protection against air attacks both the front-line units and administrative centers, and industrial enterprises. After the Great Patriotic War cannons have long been used by the Soviet army before adopting missile systems.
76 mm divisional gun (ZIS-3) appeared on the fronts of the World War II in the midst of fierce fighting in 1942. It was unique because of its technical excellence and maneuverability, power and rate of fire, accuracy and long range among the field guns. ZIS-3 successfully and accurately fired both indirect and direct fire, repulsing infantry. 76 mm different types’ shells successfully pierced the armor of German tanks and destroyed their field fortifications. High mobility allowed to apply this gun in a variety of road and weather conditions.
122 mm howitzer (M-30) was adopted with an official name “122mm howitzer divisional M1938”. Howitzer had a modern design for its time: carriage with sliding frame and the sprung wheeled swing. Used for firing from concealed positions on entrenched and unsheltered manpower of the enemy. Howitzer successfully used for the destruction of enemy field fortifications (trenches, bunkers, pillboxes) and making passes into wire fence because of the inability to use mortars.
Postage stamps depict: 45-mm antitank gun (53-K), 85-mm anti-aircraft gun (52-K), 76-mm divisional gun (ZIS-3), 122-mm howitzer (M-30).
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with four stamps, a miniature sheet and first day covers with cancellation (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg) inside.
Design: A. Drobyshev.
Face value: 12, 15, 18, 20 RUB
Size of stamps: 65 x 32.5 mm; size of sheet with illustrated margins: 226 x 195 mm, size of miniature sheet: 170 x 170 mm.
Form of issue: sheet with illustrated margins with 15 (3 x 5) stamps, miniature sheet with 8 (2 x 4) stamps.
Circulation: 450 thousand stamps of each theme (30 thousand sheets of each postal stamp, 55 thousand miniature sheets).
Soviet artillery in the World War II played a crucial role and has become the main firepower of the Ground Forces. Each operation started with the thunder of hundreds and thousands of guns and continued with artillery support.
Stamp booklet consists of 10 pages and a cover and includes 4 stamp sheets (each for 1 mark) and 6 pages with accompanying text.
Design: R. Komsa, A. Ilyina.
Form of issue: 180 x 100 mm.
Circulation: 12 thousand.
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