The Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Marka” Publishing and Trading Centre under the Federal Communications Agency’s jurisdiction has prepared the following products to be issued:
On March 7, a souvenir sheet “XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi” will be released into circulation
First-ever Paralympic Winter Games were held in Örnsköldsvik in 1976. The establishment of the contest between disabled people is related to the name of Ludwig Guttmann, a neurologist, who changed the rehabilitation procedure for people having spinal injuries having focused on sport exercises. This idea gave rise to the development of the global sport movement for disabled persons.
For the first time ever, XI Paralympic Winter Games will be held in Russia, Sochi, from March 7 to March 16, 2014. The Ray of Light and Snowflake have been declared to be the Paralympic Mascots.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with a souvenir sheet and FDCs with cancellation (Sochi) inside.
Design: A. Drobyshev.
Face values: 25, 50, 75 rub.
Sheet size: 136х80 mm; stamp size in the sheet: 37х26 mm; 26х37 mm.
Circulation: 150 thousand souvenir sheets.
On March 7, an envelope with an original stamp “175th Anniversary of M.P. Mussorgsky (1839-1881), a composer” will be released into circulation

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839–1881) was a Russian composer, an active participant of the creative group of progressive composers known as "The Five". M.P. Mussorgsky is one of the greatest composers of XIX century. He was aimed for an original, very national style which is characterized by reliance upon the Russian peasants’ art, creation of original drama, melody, voice-leading, harmony. The composer’s talent was fully brought to light through operas. The monumental innovatory musical dramas “Boris Godunov” and “Khovanshchina” are his greatest creations. Besides, he created such song cycles as “Sunless” (1874), “Songs and Dances of Death” (1875–1877), suite “Pictures at an Exhibition” (1874), “Night on Bald Mountain” (1867), etc.
An envelope with an original stamp shows the portrait of M.P. Mussorgsky against the background of a fragment of musical score of the music drama “Boris Godunov”, the cover page and the first page of the edition show opera against the background of a scene of the performance.
Design: A. Povarikhin.
Face values: letter “A”.
Circulation: 1 million.
On March 7, a souvenir sheet “100th Anniversary of A.M. Gritsai (1914-1998), an artist” will be released into circulation
Aleksei Mikhailovich Gritsai (1914–1998) was a Russian artist, a national artist of the USSR (1974), a laureate of state prize of the USSR (1978) and two Stalin-era prizes of III degree (1951, 1952). A.M. Gritsai was an active member of the USSR Art Academy (1964).
In his works A.M. Gritsai was following the traditions of the Russian lyric landscape of the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries; he was creating epic and lyric images of the Russian nature. Moreover, the artist was working on portraits and pieces on the industrial topic. In the last years of his life A.M. Gritsai was mostly painting the landscapes of the Moscow Region.
The souvenir sheet reflects the picture of A.M. Gritsai “Summer Garden” (1955–1956, Tretyakov Gallery), margins of the souvenir sheet reflect a portrait of A.M. Gritsai.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with a souvenir sheet and FDCs with cancellation (Moscow, St. Petersburg).
Design: M. Rastorgueva.
Face values: 50 rub.
Sheet size: 113х84 mm; stamp size in the sheet: 50х42 mm.
Circulation: 75 thousand souvenir sheets.
On March 14, four stamps “Flora of Russia” will be released into circulation
Chamaenerion angustifolium is a perennial herbaceous plant, one of willowherb family. It grows across the whole Northern hemisphere. In Russia it mostly grows in coniferous forests in the European part and in Siberia. Seeds keep their germinating ability for several years.
Lupinus polyphyllus is a herbaceous plant, one of bean family. It is an annual, biennial or perennial rhizome herbaceous plant, more rarely – a subshrub. It has palmate leaves on long leafstalks which are cumulated in basal rosette; cauline leaves are arranged by turn. Flowers in racemose inflorescences are white, yellow, blue, violet, pink, creamy, carmine, red, and purple.
Cichorium intybus is a perennial herbaceous plant, one of Asteraceae genera. Cichorium intybus is very popular as a weed. It can be easily recognized by calathidium inflorescences which include semifloscule blue flowers only. But such calathidium inflorescences are opening in early morning and cloudy weather. In Russia it mostly grows in the European part, on the Caucasus, and in Siberia.
Matricaria recutita is an annual herbaceous plant, Asteraceae genera. It is very popular in Eurasia and North America, it can be found almost in all extra-tropical regions of both hemispheres. From ancient times, Matricaria recutita has been used in scientific and traditional medicine, and it has been one of the most popular medicinal plants up to now.
The stamps show: Chamaenerion angustifolium, Lupinus polyphyllus, Cichorium intybus, Matricaria recutita.
An illustrated cover has been prepared for the release with stamps and FDC with cancellation (Moscow) inside.
Design: Kh. Betredinova.
Face values: 15 rub.
Stamp size: 37х37 mm; sheet size: 165х165 mm.
Issue form: sheets with illustrated margins with 16 (4х4) stamps.
Circulation: 180 thousand stamps of each theme (45 thousand sheets).
On March 28, a stamp “100th Anniversary of M.L. Gallai(1914–1998), test pilot” will be released into circulation
Mark Lasarevich Gallai (1914–1998) was a Russian test pilot, writer, Hero of the Soviet Union.
For the time of flight operation Gallai utilized 125 types of aircrafts, helicopters and gliders. He was conferred with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1957 for his valor and bravery demonstrated under testing of new aviation equipment.
M.L. Gallai published about 30 scientific papers. He was giving lessons at the Moscow Aviation Institute and Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation.
“Through Invisible Barriers”, his first book, was published in 1960. In 1965 Gallai became a member of the USSR Union of Writers. And since 1975 he has been fully focused on book-writing.
The stamp reflects the portrait of M.L. Gallai against the background of strategic bomber М-3 developed by the Design Bureau n.a. V. Myasishchev, for testing of which Mark Lasarevich Gallai was conferred with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Design: R. Komsa.
Face values: 15 rub.
Stamp size: 42х30 mm; sheet size: 155х162 mm.
Issue form: sheets with illustrated margins with 10 (3х4) stamps and a coupon.
Circulation: 400 thousand stamps (40 thousand sheets).
On March 28, an envelope with an original stamp “175th Anniversary of N.M. Przhevalsky (1839–1888), explorer” will be released into circulation
Nikolai Mikhaylovich Przhevalsky (1839–1888) was a Russian geographer, ethnographer, explorer of Central Asia, and honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1878), major general (1886).
In 1866 he was sent to Eastern Siberia. Having gained support of the Imperial Geographical Society, in 1867–1869 he made an expedition to the Ussuri Region. His work “About Non-Russian Population in the Southern Part of the Primorsky Region” was awarded the silver medal by the Imperial Geographical Society.
N.M. Przhevalsky explored Kunlun Shan mountain systems, Northern Tibet mountain ranges, Lop Nor and Koko Nor lake basins, Huang He riverheads. The scientific results of such expeditions were provided in books which expressly describe the nature and terrain, climate, rivers, lakes, flora and fauna of the explored territories.
N.M. Przhevalsky discovered a range of new forms of animals: wild camel, wild horse, Tibetan bear, a range of other mammals; besides, he formed huge zoological, mineralogical and botanical collections containing many new forms which were described by specialists later on.
St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences awarded Przhevalsky a medal which says: “To the First Explorer of Nature in Central Asia”. Przhevalsky’s name was given to a glacier in Altay, a range in Kunlun Shan, many types of plants and animals. In 1891, by initiative of the Imperial Geographical Society, a prize n.a. N.M. Przhevalsky and silver medal, in 1946 — gold medal were established.
An envelope with an original stamp shows the portrait of N.M. Przhevalsky against the background of Przevalsky's horses (Equus przewalski) and the image of a research scientist in the lead of expedition against the background of the landscape of Central Asia.
Design: S. Ulyanovsky.
Face values: letter “A”.
Circulation: 1 million.
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