The Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Marka” Publishing and Trading Center under the Federal Communications Agency’s jurisdiction has prepared the following products to be issued:
January 9, a postage stamp “The 150th Birth Anniversary of V.A. Steklov (1864-1926), a scientist” to be issued

The main works of Vladimir Andreevich Steklov (1864-1926) pertain to mathematical physics, mechanics, quadrature formulae of approximation theory, asymptotical methods.
The main lifework of Vladimir Andreevich was scientific research: the motion of rigid body in liquid and some problems of the theory of elasticity. He studied expansion of functions in series of special polynomials, gave a general condition of decomposability of functions in a series according to a given system of functions, which is an infinite-dimensional generalization of the Pythagorean theorem, applied the obtained results to solution of various problems, including the solution of Laplace equation (for example, steady-state distribution of temperature in the body obeys the equation).
In 1921 at the initiative of the scientist the Institute of Physics and Mathematics was established under the Academy of Sciences.
The postage stamp depicts the portrait of V.A. Steklov; the background is the Steklov function.
A FDC with cancellation is to be issued as well (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg).
Design: A. Povarikhin.
Face value: 15 rub.
Size of stamp: 42×30 mm, size of sheet: 142×166 mm.
Form of issue: a sheet of 15 (3х5) stamps.
Circulation: 420 thousand stamps (28 thousand sheets).
January 14, an envelope with an original stamp “The 150th Birth Anniversary of A.S. Golubkina (1864-1927), a sculptor” to be issued
Golubkina Anna Semenovna (1864-1927) was an artist and a representative of the Soviet modern sculpture. She was the founding member of “Mir Iskusstva” (“World of Art”) Association, a participant of the Moscow Society of Arts Lovers, the Moscow Society of Artists.
A.S. Golubkina became one of the first sculptors who created an image of people of labour in her pieces of work. Her works are kept in the largest museums and collections (the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum and others). Russia’s first sculptural portrait of Karl Marx (1905) belongs to her as well.
The envelope with an original stamp depicts the portrait of A.S. Golubkina and alto-relievo on the façade of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre named after A.P. Chekhov (1901).
Design: M. Bodrova
Face value: letter “A”.
Circulation: 1million.
January 24, postage stamps of the Russian Federation sixth standard “Kremlins” are to be launched in a new form of issue
The postage stamps depict Astrakhan Kremlin, Zaraysk Kremlin, Kazan Kremlin, Kolomna Kremlin, Rostov Kremlin, Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, Novgorod Kremlin, Pskov Kremlin, Moscow Kremlin, Ryazan Kremlin.
Design: А. Kernosov, K. Betredinova.
Face value: 1 rub., 1 rub. 50 kop., 2 rub.; 2 rub. 50 kop., 3 rub.; 4 rub., 5 rub., 6 rub., 10 rub., 25 rub.
Size of stamps: 38×23 mm, size of sheet: 110×153 mm.
Form of issue: a sheet of 10 (by one theme of each variation) stamps.
Circulation: 800 thousand sheets.
January 24, postage stamps and a stamp booklet “The XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi. Winter Olympic Sports” to be issued
The XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi is an international sporting event, which will be held on 7-23 February 2014. The capital of the Olympic Games, Sochi (Russia), was chosen during the 119th session of IOC in the city of Guatemala (the capital of the Republic of Guatemala) on July 4, 2007.
98 sets of medals in 15 disciplines of 7 Olympic sports, to which this issue of postage stamps is devoted, will be contested.
The sheet with a coupon comprises all the stamps issued in the previous years as part of the “Olympic Winter Sports” series:
Biathlon is a sport combining a ski race and rifle shooting at several shootings. At present the program of Olympic Winter Games includes five types of the
biathlon programme for men and five for women: individual race, sprint, pursuit, mass-start and relay race.
Bobsleigh is a downhill race along special race tracks with artificial ice freezing in guided sleighs (bobs). Olympic competitions in bobsleigh in each event are held in two days – 2 races a day. The winner is the team whose total time (in all 4 races) is minimal. The Olympic Games programme involves three kinds of competitions: men on two- and four-person bobs, women on two-person bobs.
Alpine skiing. The Olympic Games programme in alpine skiing involves downhill race, slalom, giant slalom, super-G and super-combined – all these events are held both among men and women. The peculiarities of the events are defined by the characteristics of race tracks, such as a length, trajectory, distance between the “gates”.
Curling is a team game on the ice ground, in which two teams of four players take part. Participants of the opposed teams in turn throw on the ice special granite stones (“rocks”) towards a target marked on the ice (“house”).
Jumping race involves ski jumping from the springboard (1 attempt) and 10 kilometers cross country race. The Olympic programme in jumping race involves three events: individual race with a jump from a medium springboard, individual race with a jump from a big springboard and team race (two jumps per each participant from a big springboard and a relay race 4x5 km). All events are held only among men.
Ski race is a discipline of ski sports, involving different formats of competitions in ski race. The Olympic Games programme will include skiathlon, staggered start race, mass start race, relay race, individual and team sprint – all events are held among men and women.
Ski jumping is one of the disciplines of ski sports. Ski jumping involves the following events: individual event at the medium springboard (men and women), individual event at the big springboard (men) and team events (men). The Olympic Games programme in Sochi includes competitions among women at the medium springboard for the first time ever.
Luge is one of the most extreme Olympic sports. It is a competition in downhill race on one-person or two-person sleds along special race tracks with artificial ice freezing. A sportsman starts from a sitting position, after repulsion the participant takes up a position lying flat on back. Guiding the sled is done by the sportsman’s body center-of-gravity travel.
Skeleton represents downhill along a special race track with artificial ice freezing in a skeleton (a sled with two tubular runners on a fixed frame, on which the sportsman lies head foremost). Olympic events in skeleton last for two days. Each sportsman makes 4 races. Time is measured accurate to 1/100 seconds. The winner is the one whose total time (in all 4 races) is minimal.
Speed skating is a sport, in which a sportsman needs to cover a certain distance as fast as possible. A standard length of oval skating track is 400 m. The Olympic Games programьу includes 5 individual distances for women and men each as well as a team pursuit race. Consequently 12 sets of medals are competed for in this sport.
Snowboard is a discipline of winter sports. The Olympic Games programme in snowboard includes 10 competitions in 5 disciplines: halfpipe, parallel giant slalom, snowboard-cross, as well as new kinds of competitions in the Olympic Games program, which are slopestyle and parallel slalom.
Figure skating in a sports programme of the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi is represented by 5 kinds of competitions: individual competitions among men and among women, competitions in pair skating, ice dance as well as team competitions. Team competitions will be held in Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi for the first time ever.
Freestyle is one of the disciplines of ski sports. The Olympic Games programme in freestyle includes mogul skiing, acrobatics, ski-cross, halfpipe and slopestyle. Halfpipe and slopestyle were added into the program of Olympic Games in 2011. Men and women take part in each event. Totally 10 sets of medals are to be competed for.
Ice hockey is a sports team game on ice, in which 2 teams participate. The participants of the game are trying to deliver the puck into the competitor’s net passing it off by sticks, and at the same time to protect their own net from the puck. The team who have scored more goals wins.
Short track is a discipline of speed skating in which sportsmen need to cover a race distance along an oval ice track 111.12 m in length as fast as possible. Competitions include various distance running and relay race.
A FDC with cancellation is to be issued as well (Moscow, Sochi).
Design: А. Drobyshev.
Face value: 25 rub.
Size of stamps: 37×37 mm, size of sheet: 168×168 mm.
Form of issue: a sheet with illustrated margins of 15 (4х4) stamps and a coupon.
Circulation: 115 thousand sheets.
Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi will be a real celebration of sport. More than 6,000 athletes and team members from over 80 countries will arrive to Sochi in 2014. In our country the Olympic Games will be held for the second time (prior to that XXII Olympic Games were held in Moscow in 1980). The stamp booklet consists of 11 sheets and a cover: 5 sheets (3 stamps on each one) and 6 sheets with an accompanying text.
Stamp booklet:
Design: А. Ilyina.
Format of the booklet: 180×100 mm.
Circulation: 17 thousand copies.
January 31, three postage stamps in the series “State Decorations of the Russian Federation. Order of Ushakov, Order of Zhukov and Order of Kutuzov” to be issued
The Order of Ushakov is awarded to officers from among the command of large units and major units of the Navy for skilful organization and conduct of operations, combat actions of the forces independently and as a part of force groupings, military units and major units of the Navy, contributing to a successful navy operation. It may also be awarded to foreign citizens – senior officers of allied forces who have participated alongside the Russian Federation troops in organization and conduct of a successful joint operation of allied force groupings (forces). The Order of Ushakov may be awarded posthumously.
The Order of Zhukov is awarded to commanders of large units, General Commanding Officers, military units officers, their deputies from among the senior officers for a skilful organization and conduct of force grouping operations in strategic areas or military operations, military units and formations involved in conducting operations on land and in the air, during which, despite the stubborn resistance of the enemy, the objectives of the operations have been met with full operational capability of military units retained. It may also be awarded to foreign citizens – senior officers of allied forces who have teken part alongside the Russian Federation troops in organization and conduct of a successful joint operation of allied force groupings (forces). The Order of Zhukov may be awarded posthumously.
The Order of Kutuzov is awarded to commanders of military units and their deputies, as well as to commanders of battalions and companies for a skilful organization, conduct of operations, control of troops and successful accomplishment of combat mission on land, in the air and in the sea, military units involved in conducting an operation, during which, despite the stubborn resistance of the enemy, the objectives of the operations have been met with full operational capability of military units retained, and foreign citizens – senior officers of allied forces who have taken part alongside the Russian Federation troops in organization and conduct of a successful joint operation of allied force groupings (forces). The Order of Zhukov may be awarded posthumously.
Postage stamps depict the Order of Ushakov, the Order of Zhukov and the Order of Kutuzov against a blue background.
An illustrated cover is to be issued with postage stamps and FDCs with cancellation (Moscow) inside.
Design: А. Moskovets.
Face value: 25 rub.
Size of stamps: 32.5×65 mm, size of sheet: 150×150 mm.
Form of issue: sheets of 7 (4х2) stamps with illustrated margins and a coupon.
Circulation: 280 thousand stamps of each topic (40 thousand sheets).
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