On September 2, postage stamps “The Joint Issue of the Russian Federation and the Principality Liechtenstein. Art” is issued
The Principality of Liechtenstein is a small country (with an area of 160 sq km) in the Central Europe. The capital is Vaduz. Its main attraction is an Art Gallery which is belonged to the Princely family. It includes about 1500 paintings of world famous artists: Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Brueghel, Rubens and as well as of the Russian painter, representative of symbolism and modern – Ivan Grigorievich Myasoedov. In 1930s he changed his name to Euvgeniy Zotov and immigrated with his family to Liechtenstein where he was a court artist.
The postage stamps depict the images of I.G. Myasoedov (E. Zotov) “The Argonauts” (1909) and “Silum” (1945) being kept in the State Russian Museum and in the Private collection of Doctor Peter Goop.
The artistic cover is prepared for the issue: there are two postage stamps and FDC with the cancellation of the Russian Federation and two postage stamps and FDC with the cancellation of the Principality of Liechtenstein.
Artist-designer: A. Povarikhin.
Face value: 15 rub. of each stamp.
Size of stamp: 50х37 mm.
Form of issue: sheet of 10 (3x4) stamps (two images in the sheetlet) and two coupons.
Circulation: 300 thousand copies of each image (60 thousand sheets). сюжета марок в марочном листе) и 2 купонов.

On 4 September, a souvenir sheet “The 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago”
On September 4, 2013 in accordance with the decision of the Commission of the Federal Agency of Communications (Rossvyaz) on state signs of postal payment a souvenir sheet “The 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago” is issued. Under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency of Communications the FSUE PTC “Marka” has prepared this issue.
On September 4, 1913 the Hydrographic Expedition (1910-1915) headed by B.A. Vilkitski has discovered an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, located on the border of the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. The archipelago is called Nicholas II Land. On January 11, 1926 according to decree of the Presidium of the National Central Executive Committee it was renamed into Severnaya Zemlya.
The archipelago consists of four large islands (October Revolution, Bolshevik, Komsomolets, Pioneer) and several small ones. The total area is about 37 thousand square kilometers. 47% of Severnaya Zemlya surface is ice-covered. The archipelago has 20 major glaciers. The banks of the islands are occasionally steep and rocky; they are cut with deep fiord like bays. The most northern island point of Asia is situated in Severnaya Zemlya - it is the Arctic Cape on Komsomolets Island.
The postage stamps depict ice-breakers “Vaygach”, “Taymyr” and portrait of B.A. Vilkitski; there is a landscape of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago on the margins of the souvenir sheet.
The artistic cover is prepared for the issue, there is a souvenir sheet and FDCs inside of it.
Artist-designer: A. Drobyshev.
Face value: 15 rub. of each stamp.
Size of souvenir sheet: 136х80 mm; size of stamps in the souvenir sheet: 37х26 mm and 26х37 mm.
Circulation: 80 thousand copies
On September 6, a postage stamp ”The 18th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the International Association of Prosecutors” is issued
On September 6, a postage stamp ”The 18th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP)”. The Association was established on the 6th of 1995 at the United Nations offices in Vienna. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office was one of the IAP’s creators and participates actively in its work. The main task of the organization is to insure the defense of human rights, the rule of law and the application of general standards of criminal procedure as well as impartial and effective investigation. The Association carries out its activity by organizing of annual and regional conferences, multiple programs. The topic of the forthcoming event is “The Prosecutor and the rule of law”.
The postage stamp depicts a logo of the IAP Conference in the city of Moscow.
Artist-designer: R. Komsa.
Face value: 15 rub.
Size of stamp: 30х42 mm.
Form of issue: sheet of 15 (5х3) stamps.
Circulation: 360 thousand stamps (24 thousand sheets).

On September 12, a postcard with a commemorative stamp “The 100th Birth Anniversary of A.S. Menaker (1913-1982), Honored Artist of the RSFSR”
Menaker Aleksandr Semenovich is a famous Soviet actor, stage director, a member of “Mironova and Menaker” duet, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1978).
In 1939 he made his debut with musical humoresques with his wife M. Mironova in the Miniature and Varity Theater of Moscow. Among their joint works are “Moscow meetings”, and “Familiar portraits”. The duet of actors participated in the Hermitage program with a spectacle “Here comes the steamer”.
Since 1954 theatre of two actors – Mironova and Menaker (a director and an artistic director) made a spectacle “Speaking letters”, a review “In our house”, a spectacle “Family matters”.
Menaker and Mironova successfully performed in the USSR and abroad. The stage spectacles “Family matters”, “Blots”, “A man and women” and “Room in a hotel” were very popular among the spectators.
The postcard with a commemorative stamp depicts A.S. Menaker’s portrait and actor playing the piano.
Design: R. Komsa.
Face value: letter “B”.
Circulation: 12 thousand copies.

On September 20, in the framework of a series “Figures of the world culture” a postal envelope with commemorative stamp “The 300th birth anniversary of Denis Diderot (1713-1784), writer, philosopher” is issued
Denis Diderot (1713-1784) is a French writer, philosopher-educator and dramatist. He is a foreign honored member of the Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg (1773).
In 1751-1784 he issued “Encyclopedia or Definition vocabulary of sciences, arts and crafts”, during several years he was its unique Editor-in-Chief. In 1773-1774 he made a trip to Russia on the invitation of Catherine II. He tried to influence on the Russian Empress’s policy, he wanted to release peasants and to conduct liberal reforms. He wrote his thoughts on public education in the “Plan of university or school of public teaching of sciences for the Russian Government” composed in 1775 at the order of Catherine II.
Denis Diderot’s prose became an outstanding event of realism of XVIII – “The Nun” (1760) is a bright anticlerical creation, French people with their love of life, humor and practical wisdom are embodied in novel “Jacques the Fatalist” (1773).
The envelope with a commemorative stamp depicts a composition of symbols of different art directions: liras, palettes, books, pens, columns of theater curtain; a portrait of Denis Diderot on the background of the cabinet with books.
Artist-designer: A. Povarihin.
Face value: letter “A”.
Circulation: 1 million copies.
On September 21, a souvenir sheet “The 1150th Anniversary of Smolensk” is issued
Smolensk is one of the first cities of the Ancient Rus’. In the dated part according to the Ustyuzhensky (Arhangelogorodsky) chronicle, it occurred at 863 when Ascold and Dir have passed it by in the campaign from Novgorod to Tzargrad as Smolensk was very well fortified and there were a lot of people. In 882 Prince Oleg captured and annexed it to the Kievan Rus’. The postage stamp depicts Smolensk fortified wall and coat of arms of Smolensk. On the souvenir sheets’s margins there is a composition illustrated separate periods of Smolensk history such as the city’s foundation and a fragment of a wooden fortified wall at the end of XVI century – the beginning of XVII; Smolensk battle of the Patriotic war of 1812 and a flag of the 630th regiment of the 107th rifle division; a state flag of the Russian Federation and a festive parade on the backgrounds of contemporary architectural buildings: railway station “Smolensk-Centralny” and a house.
The artistic cover is prepared for the issue – there is a souvenir sheet and FDCs with cancellation inside of it.
Artist-designer: S. Ulyanovsky.
Face value: 50 rub.
Size of souvenir sheet: 130х75 mm; size of stamp: 42х30 mm.
Circulation: 80 thousand copies.
On September 27, an envelope with a commemorative stamp “The 400th Anniversary of the Zemsky Sobor of 1613”
Zemsky Sobors are high estate-representative institutions with advisory functions where general state issues have been considered, they have been convoked in Russia throughout one and a half century from the middle of the XVI century up to the end of the XVII.
The Sobor of 1613 was convoked in conditions of dynastic crisis. It was opened on January 7, 1613 and Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov was elected to reign on February 21, 1613.
On July 11, 2013 Mikhail Fyodorovich was crowned in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and became the first tsar of a new Romanovs’ dynasty.
The envelope with a commemorative stamp depicts a portrait of tsar – Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov and an image from the “Book of the election of Mikhail Fyodorovich, great monarch, tsar and great prince” (Moscow, 1856) from funds of the Russian State Archive of ancient acts.
Design: A. Moscovets.
Face value: letter “A”.
Circulation: 1 million copies.
On September 27, in the framework of a series “Figures of the world culture” a postal envelope with a commemorative stamp “The 200th Birth Anniversary of Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)” is issued
Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901) is a great Italian composer. His creative works are one of the greatest achievements of world opera art and a culmination of development of the Italian opera of the XIX century.
Verdi became famous due to operas “Nabucco” (1841) and “The Lombards on the First Crusade” (1842). Then there were next several works: “The Sicilian Vespers”, “The Troubadour”, “A Masked Ball”, “The Force of Destiny”, the second edition of the opera “Macbeth”. The opera “Aida” was ordered by the government of Egypt in order to celebrate the opening of the Suez Canal. His last work “Falstaff” (1892) is a witty, lambent, humorous opera in genre of Italian opera-buffa. It surprises with its cheerful and perfect skill.
The envelope with a commemorative stamp depicts a composition of symbols of different art directions: liras, palettes, books, pens, columns of theater curtain; a portrait of Giuseppe Verdi on the background of the cover and a fragment from score opera “Falstaff”.
Artist-designer: M. Bodrov.
Face value: letter “A”.
Circulation: 1 million copies.
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