Viktor Sergeevich Rozov (1913-2004) is a russian dramatist, a laureate of the USSR state prize, a member of the Union of Writers, an author of plays.
In 1949 the central children’s theatre has staged the first play of Rozov “Her Friends”, in 1953 – “Pages of life” (“Your path”). The further cooperation of Rozov with the Central children’s theatre was successful as well as with the theatre “Sovremennik” opened in 1957 with a spectacle “Alive forever” in which the themes of human fidelity, high traditions of the Russian intelligentsia have been sounded loudly. In the following years Rozov wrote plays “The Wedding Day”, “Entertainer”, “Reunion”, “From Night to Noon”, “Situation” and “Kabanchik”.
Rozov’s plays have been widely staged in USSR and abroad, they have been screened many times: “Finding Joy” (film “Noisy day”, 1961), “Alive forever” (film “The cranes are flying”). “Alive forever” occupies a special place in Rozov’s playwriting and in the dramaturgy of military thematic.
Postal car with commemorative stamp depicts the portrait of V.S. Rozov, a desk, books, cover and a passage from the play “Alive forever”.
Design: Kh. Betredinova.
Denomination: littera “B”
Circulation: 12 thousand copies.
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